How many houseplants are in your house?

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Well, I was lured by a few houseplants today at Lowe's....

~ Fittonia (red-veined)
~ Variegated schefflera
~ A fabulous shade of red mum
~ an extremely healthy english ivy
~ a deep peachy-pink euphorbia

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

The euphorbia (Crown of Thorns):

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Schefflera 'Moonlight':

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Hi Perennial Girl,

I LOVE my plants and I live for them. I don't have a list but I have about 100 orchids and the rest are misc plants and out of them I have about 100 AV. I LOVE my violets as well.

I would be happy to trade leaves as that is all I have really but would love to trade....I see you have one I would love to have already.

My AV are all noid's so can't help there but I can send some photos to show you a bit of the variety that I do have if you send me your email.

Thanks for asking.


Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Hi JessieK,

I am sorry about your hubby. My hubby is very good about my plants as he sees the joy they give to me and nothing I love better than putzing around with them.

It is so rewarding to plant a leaf or a seed and then see the fruits of your labor. We get cold winters here in Alberta (except for this winter) but to see a beautiful flower in the midst of the cold is very heartwarming.

I live in a 1600 square foot house...all one level and I have plants and lights everywhere. Sometimes it becomes a bit of a chore watering especially if I am not feeling well which Ihaven't for the last couple weeks but I still enjoy them and could not live without them.

Thank you for your kind words and I will continue to acquire more plants too....I just seen a new Rob (new to me anyway) Soliloguy that junglbob shared and I HAVE to have that one...the foilage is to die for.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, Joanne...please direct us to that photo.
Is the foliage variegated or???

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm lucky, in that my DH loves plants and flowers, too. He's very quiet, but he's outspoken about those things he doesn't like. For example, the amaryllis. He hates the tall, strappy foliage and that the blooms only last a very short time. He's decided he doesn't like orchids, because he says they're 'dirty.' (The fact that the potting medium drops out of the sides of the pots now and then.)

But all in all, he loves getting new things. I don't have to beg when I want to buy new plants, as long as I don't go too crazy all at once. LOL.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

we are working up a houseplant swap if anyone is interested. Dmail me.

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