How many houseplants are in your house?

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Just curious as to who many everyone has?

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Whew...just counted. Made it a game with my kid....

If we're not counting repeats...same plant in a different pot...I have 97.

That's nothing compared to your 150, is it? ; )


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I have 154 in my home. I have about 15 more at work. Okay, so I have no self control when it comes to plants. I don't mind. Hehehe


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

CJ I have consolidated some of mine plants to one pot, so I have about 135 now, some being duplicated. If we where to speak of different varities I would have more than 150 as some pots have 7 different starts in them. I hope to make a list this spring when I report, divide and all. I only have two at work. I understand no self control.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have at least 200+. All of my plants are indoor plants. And I just got through repotting at least 100 of them into clay pots. Most of mine are cacti and succulents and were getting root rot but now they are doing much better. I am sort of curious now as to how many I have. I will have to count all of them later and let you know.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I refuse to count-i did that a few yrs ago and was surprized at how they add up!
so i will just say-LOTZ

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I'm to scared to But here is a picture of some of my plants.
:) Donna

Thumbnail by PerennialGirl
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, my husband said I could have NO MORE than 75, so that's what I will admit to, but I probably have closer to 125!1

Wow Donna! I'm glad I'm not the only one whose house is packed with plants. If I were to estimate...easily several hundred. I like to joke about how I live in my town's unofficial botanical garden. It's kinda like...hmm...I think there's a couch and coffee table underneath all that vegetation. lol.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

That's only one Let's see your pictures.
:) Donna

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

I am so glad I found this thread. I have a 960sq ft apartment I share with my fiance(e) and she thinks my plant craze is nuts. We have about 25 plants (but some are quite large, like a giant BOP and Philodendron).

My office at work is also full of them... I just enjoy having them around me.

Thumbnail by keonikale
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Your plants look very healthy, keonikale! Lucky you that you can have your own plants at work. We can't because the company I work for has a contract to have office plants with some company. They got a contract with a new company that I want to get to know to see if they have any neat plants.
:) Donna

(Zone 7b)

Reading this, I feel quite restrained! I hardly have any compared to you guys - only 39!

Oh, I forgot to get the promised pictures of my "jungle." Darn holidays keep me so busy. I'll do that tonight. Keonikale, you're plants are nice and large. I've got quite a few large ones, but the bulk of my plants are smaller, or cuttings, etc. I've found that smaller plants are the most affordable way to expand a collection.

The one thing I've noticed though is that everyone keeps saying that their significant other thinks they are nuts or tries to limit their plants. How terrible! It makes me really glad for my husband. He kinda encourages my "bad behavior." Besides, if he didn't, I just come up with something snappy like, how many tools do you need? His tools rival my plants. LOL

Jackson, GA(Zone 7a)

After reading this I had to go count,190 mostly orchids cactus and palms. No self control at all.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

You definitely have a understanding DH, jessmerritt. Both my DH & DD always complain I have to many.

You sure were brave to count them, brucedean!

:) Donna

brucedean, how many are orchid cactus? I bet they all look spectacular in bloom. I have a soft spot for them and am amounting a small collection myself.


Jackson, GA(Zone 7a)

Gosh I don't have any orchid cactus. I have Christmas cactus and Epis.Do I need orchid cactus?Is this another addiction comming on?I quess it might be.Orchid cactus HMMM I still have some room in that corner over there,a few more lights sure why not.

Paris, TX

I have the sickness too. I filled my 12x30 sunroom each winter. My husband built me a 10x20 greenhouse and 3 palm trees and 2 rubber trees wouldn't fit. So I have those trees in the sunroom. I have already filled the greenhouse but think of the money we are saving by not having to buy all these plants next year. A also have about 5 plants in the living room. What an illness!!!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by raggins

LOL, I read "orchids cactus" and my mind automatically skipped to orchid cactus. And orchid cactus is an epi or related cactus. Its just a more common name for them. If you haven't yet, go check out the orchid cactus forum here on Dave's. There are some beautiful pictures.

Jackson, GA(Zone 7a)

Sorry I forgot to put the little wachamacallit between orchid and cactus.I did'nt know that epis and orchid cactus are the same thing.Quess i'll go over there and se what else I can't live without.

I have roughly 112... well, after the Lowe's trip last night, I guess that would be 114. *sheepish grin* It would have been more, but neither Lowe's or WalMart have any african violets now. What's up with that???

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I used to have lovely huge windows that I could place my plants in front of or near. Each room had the
windows and I got enough sun in some of them to grow regular shade plants.
I can't even use artificial lights here as I just don't have the room for them anymore. I really miss them.
The only ones I have now are very low light requirement ones and then I also have to use ones that are non-toxic in most rooms. The birdroom is where I over-winter stuff for the outside so that also limits my space.
I plan on having accomodations for my houseplants if I move again.
I gave them all away when I moved. Sigh.
I keep picking up one here or there now. I am even thinking of getting some for my husband to take to work. He can use the digital camera so I can keep a close eye on their progress. LOL
You all make me so envious with all your pretty plants.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

I have hundreds but mostly African violets :)) Begonias..

(Zone 7b)

Only hundreds, Allison? You sure that number hasn't nudged its way up into the quadruple digits? Were you counting all sizes, or just the ones above a certain size pot? :))

(Zone 7b)

We have a teeny house, and my DH is always threatening to "prune" the elephant's foot dracena which tickles him in the ear when he's on the computer...

Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a)

Oh my...this is a scary thought!

Well last count I had just over a 100 orchids, over 400 houseplants...about 90 of those are african violet NOIDS!

What used to be a one day job now takes me a few days....big job but I love it. They are all hand watered too. That way I see what is going on with them.


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

After reading this thread, I just had to count mine. I have fifty. I used to think that was a lot, but after reading this thread, I guess I'm still just a beginner. lol

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Wowzers, Joanne! That's alot of plants! I see your in Alberta and I'm in Manitoba. I checked out your site. Beautiful pictures of your orchids!!! Do you trade or sell any of your plants?? Do you have a list of your houseplants??
:) Donna

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

OMG Joanne. Where in the world do you put over 400 houseplants? My house is small and is running out of room for all of my plants. And I only have between 200-300. In the beginning, my husband hated my plants. He really did. But once I figured out why he did not "love" them like I do, I started searching for something that he might like. He is legally blind and cannot tell the difference between one green and another green, or all the different characteristics that we can see. So they all look the same to him. Once I figured this out, I started looking for something that he might like. Then I bought him an AV. That did it. He really loves them and his sago palm. So he does not say that much about me buying plants anymore. I am just glad that I finally found something for him to enjoy. So as long as I'm living, I'll be buying or growing more plants. I really do enjoy my plants, although I do not believe that I would enjoy them as much as I do if it were not for all of you here at DG. You all make a world of difference in my life. Thanks to all of you.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

My kids used to count....I don't. Lets just say...... 'hundreds'.

JesseK, that's an interesting story!
So, your husband likes plants with 'texture'.
(Hope you're keeping the Cacti an Euphorbia out of his way!)
I'm glad to hear that your DH is now enjoying plants.

We'll have to come up with some more ideas for plants with 'texture' for your DH!!

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

At the beginning of fall/winter, I just had a few houseplants. As of today, I have 47. If I would have had to guess before I just now took inventory, I would have said twenty-something. I'm shocked.

Some of them...

EDIT: I don't know why Picasa put 2004 for the date, because I just made that collage and many of those pictures I just took in the last hour! They are all taken within the last couple of months.

This message was edited Feb 13, 2006 12:21 AM

Thumbnail by kbaumle
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Goodness,'re catching up!

Everything looks, wonderful!

You're acquiring quite an Amaryllis collection within your HP collection.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Nan, thanks! Yes, I love amaryllis. My 'La Paz' is in the process of opening up, and I've got three more due to arrive by mail tomorrow. (Misty, Green Goddess, and Susan) Oh, and I forgot three plants when I took count last night, so I'm at 50 and after tomorrow, it will be 54, because paperwhites are in that order, too!

I have to say that my houseplants are what have gotten me through this winter without a problem with depression. Last winter was awful. So far, so good, this year! I love tending to my plants. :-)


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Man I thought I had a lot. I only have a small amount compared to some of you. It is plenty for this small home. I have 35 I think if I didn't forget anyone.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

If anyone is interested in obtaining starts of some other plants, please sign up for the houseplant swap.

I am always looking for more plants.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh what a "loaded" question to ask. Will have to refer my kids to you all's responses so they will quit teasing me and put mine into perspective...LOL So glad I "downsized" prior to this question being put out there. :) 53 in my townhouse and 16 at work...hey, when I run out of windows...they come to work until spring!!! Thank you for a wonderfully understanding boss!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Kylee...I think that's part of the reason I love plants, too....they get me through the winter doldrums....and when spring hasn't quite arrived *outside* it's really 'rolling' indoors!!

makshi...I'll bet, if you'd find you have *more* than you think :)....I was thinking I had about 25 at work, and turns out I have 59!

Chantell...I have one of those understanding bosses too!
He was even protecting my big Podocarpus tree when some of the guys started to get 'inebriated' at the Christmas party.

Harmony, PA(Zone 5b)

Kylee: you've managed to acheive my goal...and that's how to make a statement out of individual plants. I'm not counting mine, but let's say one bay window, one atrium door, two 4-shelve flourescent plant stands attractive enough to have one in the living room and one in the dining room, and five window sills that are 6 inches deep. I'm lusting after a bakers rack I spotted...51" wide...from Target that I'd like to bring in as another piece of decor that just happens to have plants all over it. My sister-in-law says my place looks like a conservatory. I'm just trying to fill the house without making it look as though it was done without any consideration for design, etc.
On the other hand, Raggins, I see it's also possible to pack a ton of greenery into one space and have that lush, opulent look. I love bringing home new plants - the more unusual the better - and need to learn how to fit them all together into a cohesive group like yours.
My new goal is to try to combine the best of both; one plant here or there that is almost an architectural statement (like the staghorn fern I've grown from a baby into fronds that are over two feet long) and another spot or two crammed with plants that all work together. Guess I have my job cut out for me! Thanks for the inspiration...

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Food for thought: If we think about it, there can only be one right answer to How many houseplants are in your house? - "none". All our plants are really outdoor plants, but we've managed to discover a few that tolerate indoor conditions to varying degrees.


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