UMW Coffee Break #4

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Here's a fresh new room for us to MESS UP!! LOL

Welcome to everyone who wants to stop and talk a while.
We're continued from


Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

Julie, 4 Boxes, and that is a fraction of what I had! L

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Love the idea of the magazine storage, not so much for mine, but his. He has about 6 hunting/outdoor mags, plus several other that he gets monthly, while I get 2 gardening, 1 cooking, and 1 work, most of which are every other month. I cut out articles or pics that I want to save, and have them in sheet protectors in 3" binders by subject (garden, recipes, work articles, etc). He piles his in the "throne rooms" by the box full.

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

I think I've told you all DH and I are "trying" to make a hundred year old farmhouse livable. Well, I'm not a formal kind of dining room person, and the original dining room is attached to the kitchen. I would like to open the wall between these rooms and make it more of a Gathering Room. Right now the original dining room is the living room and the original living room is being used as a make-shift guest room. Recently, we moved our office into the room I was planning to use as a “craft room.” Last night he suggested we turn the original living room into my studio - WOW! Not only do I get my own room, but he even referred to it as a studio, and hopefully next spring we will get my greenhouse built!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

OOOOOOO Good for you,,,,your *own studio*,,,,,yipee


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Jody, Sounds like a plan ! Lucky You .

I know how the old houses are , a bunch of little rooms with one outlet in each one. Wellllll, almost ;-)

I want to make the unused upstairs Bedroom in our 104 year old farm house into a studio but it is not heated .

It's a lovely room facing south with 2 good sized windows (unusual ) the entire second floor has the original hardwood floors including the attic area.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Sounds Awesome,,,,,,,LOVE Old Houses


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Let me at them!
I love redoing old houses. We added on to ours to enlarge the kitchen & get the laundry out of the basement. I made the addition look just like the original house.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

That's vinyl siding you are looking at, but my own trim work, not the
s--- that they make for it.
Let's see pictures of your houses.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

You know how guys have a "den" or a "workroom"? I don't exactly want just a plant room, or a studio, or a sewing room, or a craft room or a library...I just want a *me* room, all of those other rooms in one. I'm thinking about the size of the whole basement aught to do it, lol!!!

We are supposed to get another 1-3 inches tonight. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but we have to drive down to Davenport tomorrow morning. DH and Jenna qualified for a district family doubles bowling tournament. They have to check in at 9am, so with the snow forecast, we will be leaving here by 7am. Ewwww.

Stacy, ummm....I turn the furnace down to 60* at night after the kids are in bed and Dh has left for work, then back up to 68* when I get up, but before the kids get up. Then after they leave for school and dh goes to sleep, back down to 60* it goes, and back up to 68* after school till bedtime again, rofl. I have it all set up on a programmable thermostat. And yes, even when it is 60* in here I am wearing shorts. I got *a* hot flash when I was pregnant with Jenna and it hasn't let up yet. I figure I run about 15* hotter than everyone else. I'm miserable all summer!

Julie, I have stacks of magazines, stacks of pages ripped out of magazines, stacks of stacks, lol.

Got the tree up. It's not decorated yet tho, it's brand new, and it STINKS!!! DH and my eyes were watering, noses stuffing up so we quit for tonight to let it "off gas" like carpet. I figure by the time we get home tomorrow afternoon it should be ok. I hope. Last year I didn't get any help at all, so I didn't put the tree up until 2 days before Christmas. And by then I was in a deep enough hole that the dang tree didn't come back down until the second week in March!! I had a "discussion" with the family this year and explained a few things to them. No help=no Christmas. Period! I'm not going to knock myself out trying to do everything anymore and then spend the whole holiday season feeling resentful and crabby. It's my holiday too, and if it isn't important enough for them to help me, well then, why should it be that important to me? I'm going to be more selfish with my energy and effort this year and see how it goes.

*rant over, lmao*

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

You go ahead and rant, mg, that's allowed. LOL! My turn now? The big Christmas parade is tommorow. It'll be my high school senior's last year marching in it. It's so great! They wear Santa hats and decorate their horns and drums and play real jazzed up Christmas tunes. Anyway, guess what? School cancelled their appearance. It's too cold.

I said, "Oh, they don't want students freezing ears and things." No, that's not the reason. They're worried about PROPERTY damage from the cold. You know, school equipment and things. I'm bummed and my DS is so-o-o-o disappointed. I'll do something special for him tomorrow like I'm thinking to bake his favorite cookies or something.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Can't they go play in the gym and give a concert?? Something??? I'd be POed too if I had practiced and was looking forward to it and then *Blammo* nada.

Let me at 'em! I'm in the perfect mood to do some first class ranting and raving!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


You go girl,,,,just don't hurt anyone,,,,LOL


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

I cannot be held responsible for anyone stupid enough to get in my way tonight.

I'm in pisser of a mood anyway, I got my latest denial from SSDI in the mail today. I get to file my 9th appeal now. It will be 4 years this January since I filed the first time.

I could happily rip someone's leg off and beat them to death with it right now.

*Going to my happy place now and taking some happy pills for insurance* I'm gonna go watch an old Carlin dvd and laugh myself silly again.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Our house before this one was an old one. I loved all the details, but I son't miss all the work. Maybe I would have liked it better if I had a *studio* of my own

Our tree is going up this weekend, depending, of course, on how his hunting goes. If he gets a deer today, the tree will have to wait until tomorrow. He and the kids are good about helping with the decorating - I think they actually like it. I only have a few presents bought, and if I put them under the tree my daughter wil know what I got her. The other gifts are being mailed out. My parents are sailing early this year on the 15th, so I have to get their box sent out Monday. I was really hoping to have Alisha's senior portraits back so I could put one in, but the box is going to have to go without it. If the pics come in time for Christmas I'll send one separately.

Gayle - If I need someone's kneecaps busted, you'll be the first person I call - little pent up hostility. LOL

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Ooooooo....all this talk about restoring and remodeling older homes! I think I'm sorry that DH and I didn't buy an older home a long time ago. By now he'd have it finished. LOL

I had a "studio" was grand! The only problem was the came equipped with a husband! LOL (Sanding dust doesn't mix well with oil paints OR sewing machines and fabric!)

Hope everyone is having a good day...I'll be back when I get a chance to stay a while.


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Lol Julie. Those pesky men can mess up all kinds of things. I sew on a "table" in the basement that is actually two saw horses and a hollow core door. It lives in the unfinsihed part of the basement when not in use. Not elegant, but it works.

He did get a deer this morning, so the tree will probably have to wait until tomorrow. I dug all the stuff out of the basement, so it's ready to rock.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b) sewing room has always been my prized possession. It started long before my kids were born and kept me from losing my mind over the years. Right now my sewing room is half of 28 by 60 basement...and is filled with unpacked boxes, stacks of books, computers (and parts thereof) and my plant stands. One of these days (...when the cleaning bug hits for the dark recesses of the earth (better known as the basement)) I'll have to take pictures of my "domain" to share.

Tell hubby "Congrats" on getting that deer! I can almost remember the hunting days of this family...especially the time that "BIG" one pysch'd out the DH and didn't even bother running away...he just looked up in the tree...ate a little more, and *walked* off. LOL (DH used to hunt during the Bow season...and was good at it. That particular day he forgot his knife...and I think the old Buck knew it. hehehehe)

I haven't even *thought* of getting the Christmas decs out. Maybe "tomorrow"? :-D (Maybe NOT!)


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

There's a buck that taunts him here. He strolled through the yard in broad daylight several days in a row last week. Since the legal date, though, he's disappeared. Skip swearst hat he'll get him, but I have a feeling that buck may be a tad smarter than given credit for. There's plenty of room in the basement for a sewing room, but I don't sew often enough to warrant a dedicated room. I only drag the stuff out a couple of times a year, usually for a big project. When the project is done, the table goes back into the storage room.

I've been reading through the winter sowing threads this morning. I may have to give it a shot this year.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Stacy...WS is the ONLY way to go. SO much easier than trying to get everything sown when the weather turns warm. Ain't it funny when the deer stroll through the yard like they own it...knowing full well that the hunter that lives there can't do a thing about it. hehehe (Happens here every year.)

Well, today I've been playing instead of working like I'd planned. I decided that my CD collection needed to be unpacked and racked up on the wall. Then I decided the CDs needed to be inspected and cleaned (Oh MAN! Am I losing it or what?? LOL) Then I decided it was time to gather up all those homemade CD's and DVDs and get labels made for them. (I love classy looking labels aned pretty shiny jewel cases.) So I went Web shopping and got me software and now I'm waiting for my registration keys so they will print without the watermarks (Yuckkkky way to secure software, IMO).

Guess it's time to go looking through my photos to gather up some that would make good CD designs.


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I have sat at the computer almost this whole day. I hate when I do that, but I can't get up and walk away either. I did take six cuttings from my 30-year-old wedding philodendron and got those potted up. I want to have a nice-sized pot of it to give Kara when she gets married next August.

I'm depressed, because my new passiflora 'Lady Margaret' isn't doing well at all. Dropping leaves right and left, and looking slightly wilty. I had repotted it a couple of days after I got it, in Miracle Gro Moisture Control potting soil in a pot that was just one size up from what it came in, which is what they said to do. I have it in the same location as my other passiflora which is doing great - blooming its heart out. I hope I don't lose it.

I took cuttings from my caerulea a couple of weeks ago, and of the three, one looks like it's not going to make it, and one looks great, and the other one is somewhere in between. I'm tellin' ya...I'm so bad with house plants! Even when I do exactly what I'm supposed to with them. My abutilons are doing well, though, and have new growth.

I'm working on a Photo Book for my mom for Christmas of photos of flowers that she's taken in the last few years. She's got a real eye for photo composition and has some really neat photos. That's what I've been working on all day. Still not done...

We're under a snow advisory, possible having 3-5" by morning. I hope so!

Sorry to whine so much.


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I gave up and ordered seed today... I posted on one of the winter sowing forums. I've been meaning to go through my photos for years, but the best I've done is cleaning up my computer files to better be able to find things for the DG photo contest. I posted a few in several categories, but after looking at some of the other entries it looks like the only ones I may have even a remote shot at are "pets". The little chocolate lab, KD, is ours.

Kylee - my mom framed a few of the pictures that I emailed her and gave them to me for my birthday for my desk at work... probably easier than an album, and I see them every time I'm in the office.

Snowed here this afternoon with more predicted for tonight. Lookes like it's coming from Gayle in Dubuque. If I have to shovel in the morning, I can blame it on Gayle :)

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

We're kind of on the line for 3-5" or 1-3", so we'll see. I imagine you'll get more then we will, since you're a little bit north of us.

I want to do one of those Photo Books online and then they send it to you. She's got so many pictures framed, it's not funny.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Stacy, I disagree with you on the Photo Contest...I voted for several of yours (even though you're not supposed to know whose is whose...all you have to do is hover the cursor over the full sized shot...and there it is! DUH!) I really like your style when it comes to photography.

Kylee...if you entered, I haven't gotten to the category yet. hehehe
And I sure hope that passiflora snaps out of its depression. :-) But I know how that feels. Last year I ordered 4 of those really cool Escargot begonias...they were dead inside of two weeks. (That hurt!) :-|

Guess I'm off for the night...don't know what kind of weather we're in for so maybe need to watch the weather first.


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Julie, I entered the picture of my cabbage white on the purple aster. I believe it's the first picture listed in the Birds, Butterflies, Bees and Bugs. I was the first one to enter my picture in the entire contest! LOLOLOL.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Thanks Julie - I 'll have to look and see where the name shows - I didn't notice that.

We got about 3 or 4 inches last night. Just flurries predicted for today. I'm rearranging the living room and catching up on laundry, so it's a great day to stay in. Last night Skip made a nice fire and poured me a glass of wine, so we sat in the living room for several hours. We rarely use that room unless we have a fire going, because it's an odd room and hard to get the furniture comfortably arranged. After two glasses of wine, I started getting some ideas. He made me venison tenderloins for dinner. They weren't from yesterday's deer but to use up the last of the meat in the deep freeze from last year.

Gayle started a suggestion that they extend chat, and the thread is dying off. If you're interested in more chat times, go to

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Good Morning Kylee and Stacy (and anyone else who drops in - probably as I'm typing - ).

We got snow here last night from here it looks like 3-4" but I'm not going out there to measure it. LOL For me, it's just good to see that we have some snow cover this far, barring any unforeseen meltdowns, we might just have enough to say we'll have a White Christmas. More than I can say about the past few years, that's for sure.

Not much on the agenda for today unless you count what *needs* to be done. ~grin~ But probably *won't*.

Kylee, I'll have to go check you pic out in the contest and leave you a vote as well. Stacy, the pic that sticks in my mind at the moment is the one you put up that made reference to a good way to end the day...two sets of feet, some wine (or ?) and a great view. That one I could the message clearly. ;-) If I remember correctly, you also entered several seed pod and/or macros. My favorite kind of photograph...very artist. Maybe next year I'll have some pics ready when the contest rolls around again. This year there were other things on my mind so I promptly forgot. Or maybe it was because I couldn't *see* the photos I was competing with and didn't want to embarrass myself. hehehe


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Thanks Julie :) I went back through some of the photos, and I'm still not seeing themember name. Maybe it's because I use Foxfire instead of internet explorer, or it might just be that I'm being obtuse? lol

yes, the feet are ours, and I had pics in some of the other categories, as well. I'm really impressed with the overall quality of most of the photos people submitted. It makes choosing pretty darn difficult. We have an impressively talented group here on DG!

I have gotten nearly nothing accomplished so far today. I folded one basket of laundry, but haven't put it away, and otherwise I've been messing around on the computer.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Just wanted to say Good Morning/Afternoon before I get ready to venture out.
I've slept in bigtime today...holy moly near noon....haven't done that in a dog's age.

Have a great day everyone!


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I treid using Explorer, and I don't see the names there, either. There are some shots that I would love to know who took them, especially in the landscapes.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


That's odd,,,I can also see the names after I click on the pic,,,when it goes to the bigger pic,,,I just rest my pointer over it and it says the persons name.

I have had NO time to go in there much yet,,,want to get to it. I put a few pics in,,,one in hostas, one or two in Misc. and I don't remember where else,,,,oh, butterflies now I'm drawing a blank,,,LOL Too much I want to get done today.

Well, Hi All and I'll check in later,,,prolly after dark as I have a list a mile long and most of it needs to be done during the day,,,Have a Great Day Everyone


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone! DH and I took a walk in the new snow - maybe 3 inches? - and it was so nice and peaceful. Sun is out now, but it's still cold, of course. 27° I just suggested we go geocaching, and he didn't react at all, so that's a positive sign. LOL.

Need to get some more things listed on eBay. 'Tis the season that things sell really well. I've got several things ending today, and they are doing well. :-)

I'd better get stuff ready in case DH comes in and says, "Okay, let's go!"

Later, girlfriends!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

gggrrr, that's another thing I should add to my *list*,,,,eBay listings


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I gave up on selling on ebay.... It's impossible to procrastinate when you're on a worlwide timer.

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

Explain to me what that means, I buy on ebay, but never have sold, and wonder if it's worthwhile, any insight here? Legit

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey! Who turned off the heat???

-8F (Feels like -21F)

Chatter chatter chatter (my teeth)

Someone *has* to be colder than me, right???

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Richlad Center was reporting -9° (just south of the River) our thermom is reading -4°. Must be the distance closer to the equator. hehehe


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Let me tell ya

I'm the one that is always hot, right? So when I get cold, I get real cold! If I didn't have to pick Nathan up from school....I'd get in the car and start driving south! It was -11 when Nathan was supposed to leave to walk to school, so I made him wait until dh got home and had dh give him a ride. I don't care, he was sick last week and it is too dang cold to have to walk a mile and a half.

I'm going to finish up here and head for the couch and wrap up in my comforter. Good day to have a marathon rewatching of my TIVO'ed McLeod's Daughters! I love that show! Ever see it?


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)






Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Gayle...I think you just spurred me on to get some of my tapes recorded onto DVD's today. (And nope, never saw McLeod's's not something DH is interested in. LOL)









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