Greenbar paper for mulching? What do you think?

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I have an abundance of greenbar paper from work reports that I think I can recycle in several layers as a weed mat under mulch around my plants in the spring.... Have you ever used greenbar (computer report paper)? I dont beleive the ink would be harmful but I'm not sure, it is a thick paper and comes in a very large size and can be lenghty if I dont tear each page at the preforations, the ink is usually pretty light because the reports are constantly printing. Seems like after I work my reports that this would be a perfect weed barrier........any thoughts?

Thanks! Jill

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I know exactly what you're talking about and I think it would be perfect! I get reports like that at work but I have to keep them on file or I would use them too!

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Gail I think I'll save them from the recycling bin at work and give it a try this spring --- I'll have to post my results!

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Yeah, let us know! Paper of any kind is usually pretty good for that, except for the glossy papered ads. Do you have access to a shredder? If you have a compost pile and could shred some that would be a good additive for that, too. I work at a university, and the faculty in my college are constantly shredding old exams and stuff. I'm fixing to start bringing some of the bagged shredded paper home for my pile.

I tried newspaper under my mulch one time but I didn't put enough layers down and I didn't put enough mulch on top, so after a while of "weather" the newspaper was showing through and the weeds were growing right up through it. I'll do better next time....

Good luck!

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