Ololiuqui is blooming in the greenhouse

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

As this plant is currently classified as Turbina corymbosa, yet has been studied most vigorously when it was known as Rivea corymbosa. It was a very important plant to meso American, pre-Columbian tribes in the seeking of visions. I've always had an interest in the Aztecs and Mayas, so I decided to grow a few of their plants of lore. This being one of them. It will soon be covered in flowers, yet here are a few of the first blooms. A very exciting time indeed.

best to all,

Thumbnail by drdon
Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

A closer pic with hand for scale

Thumbnail by drdon
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

It's a neat looking flower.

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