Silverado, CA(Zone 9b)

live in Silverado Canyon - 92676. I beleive it is zone 8 or 9. My problem is this:
1700 feet above sea level
November - February I am in complete shade.
March - October I get partial sun.
The majority of my yard is sloped.

I planted camilias, azaleas and gardenias - they have all died.
I planted banana tree - it is still growing - I am not sure how it will survive the winter.
Elephant ears are doing well - I actually would like more.
Hostas get eaten
Grass - doesnt do too well
Birds of Paradise did well during the summer - but now they arent doing well.
I have tried every type of fern that I know of - most of them have died or are taking forever to grow. I have some ferns that grow wild - but I dont know what kind they are and how to transplant them.
Bleeding heart - nope
astibles - nope
creeping myrtle - nope

I bought a majority of the plants from Michigan Bulb - so that could be the culprit too.

I was hoping to have a tea garden (ha ha - just kidding). I do not like ivy and that seems to be what takes over if I dont weed. I am trying to find some nice plants that can get big (I have a lot of land). And then find some kind of ground cover to fill in the spaces.

Does anyone have the same kind of problems and came up with a solution - I can use all the help I can get.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Sherri, can't help you much with a selection of plants for your area as our climates are totally different. However, just wanted to let you know you probably "nailed it" with your suspicion about Michigan Bulb. They have a terrible reputation, both in quality of the plants and mislabeling of many. Although their prices are attractive, they are basically a disgrace to the nursery business. I wouldn't give up, just buy from a reputable business, preferably someone locally who is knowledgeable about what will grow in your area, soils and temperatures. If you still plan to make mailorder purchases, be sure to check out the ratings of the mailorder companies on Garden Watchdog to see other gardeners' experiences with these companies. This information is invaluable to all gardeners, whether they are novice or experienced!

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Sherri, For a no-fail ground cover in shade I can't recommend vinca minor enough. It's green all year and even in shade gets pretty purple or white little flowers in spring. I had it growing in deep shade when I lived near Lake Tahoe. It is invasive though. For me, that was a bonus since nothing else would grow in that area except a few junipers and cotoneasters.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

I am sorry but I don't know that I can help you. One thing that caught my eye about your message is that you mention your elevation, Tell me how does that effect your plants? I know about the 'tree line' and how trees don't grow above a certain elevation. At what point does it start effecting perennials and shrubs?
Also what zone are you? You mention 8 or 9 and in the left hand column it says 10a. You can grow plants I can only dream about. I'm a Hosta person and I don't believe that Hosta grow in Z10. If the perennials you do have growing are being eaten by deer, then I would suggest 'Liquid Fence' It really does work. I have ordered it direct on the internet, but last time one of my garden clubs offered it to members so I got it through them.

Since I am totally unfamilar with your type of setting and zone, I might suggest watching to see what grows native in your area with your type of setting and check out what your neighbors are growing? Take a walk in your parks and public gardens...If you haven't already done so. We have a number of winter lectures coming up in 2006 in our area that we have alread have/or are planning to sign up for. Check around to see if any are in your area.

Ferns that's another one of the plants I love. The first one that come to mind when I hear dry/shade is Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern) John Mickel says in his book that it is hardy Z3-9. It is native to our property and is growing on the sandy hill side. Now I will admit those plants that do get more moisture grow even better, but I have transplanted these fern and used them when I know I can't grow anything else ( like under a pine tree on slope). I just looked in my fern book and John Mickel does not have a list for dry/shade, sorry.

I wish I could be of more help to you. I look forward to following this thread.
Best of luck.

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Jasmine188, move!!! get out of that canyon. life is to short to not be able to garden like you want. I see too many restrictions. lol, hostajim1

Silverado, CA(Zone 9b)

hostajim1 - you are so funny. I would love to move. But I love the house so much - just not the yard :(


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Sherri, sounds like your growing conditions require pretty specific plants to succeed. I do believe Michigan Bulb Co. is a huge part of the reason for the plants failing, but several of the plants listed need lots of moisture to. I tried astilbes for years before living here were I get lots of moisture and they're happy as ever. But I think you also have some great options for some really cool plants to. As suggested above, I'd talk to a knowlegable local nursery person with landscape experience in the area. Good luck, Neal.

Silverado, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you everyone. I was able to FINALLY get in contact with a Master Gardener. Turns out she lives in the same canyon as me. But her conditions are different. My canyon is completely different than anywhere else in my area. And, each home will have different conditions.

The Master Gardener then referred me to a native california plant specialist. I am going to have to hire them to come to my home and give me an evaluation. They think is is my soil. But we wont know anything until they do a thorough evaluation. Hopefully it wont be too expensive.

At least I think I have made some headway - after being thoroughly persistent. I have sent many emails to the master gardener program and no one responded until now - and she is my neighbor.


Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

That's great, sounds like you finally made a good connection! Good luck.

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