Deluxe Pyramid Composter

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have one of these? If you do what is the pro and con on it. I am asking Santa for one for Christmas. Let me know if there is a better one out there.

This message was edited Nov 28, 2005 4:13 PM

La Follette, TN

I purchased a large compostumbler ( this past summer. Works great and produces compost in about 10-14 days just as they claim. The model you are looking at does not mention how the compost is turned or how long the composting process will take. Turning your organic material periodically while maintaining good air circulation, moisture with proper amounts of green and brown organic material will determine the length of time the composting process will require. I turned my tumbler at least three comple revolutiuons once a day. Not a big deal if you skip a day. My tumbler was about $330 including delivery.

Mount Airy, MD

I do have one of these but I got it late in the year so it is taking a while. If you ask for one of the compost bins also ask for the compost aerator at the bottom of the page makes aerating the bin easer. It was easy to put together just 12 nuts and bolts and 24 washers. I like the fact you can lift the lid up with one hand instead of their other one that took both hands and did not stay attach to the bin.The tumbler is a batch composter and the bin is a continuous composter. meaning that you can continue to add stuff to it. The total price for just the bin was $164 and some change that includes shipping. Hope this helps

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