Any experience with Forsythia Koreana?

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

PF has next to nothing on this shrub. I read that it's grown for foliage, and some of the Forsythia viridissima var. koreana in PF have pictures of verigated leaves and indicate that they are grown for foliage. Google had no pictures of Forsythia koreana and no place could I find information on what color they turn to in the fall. Does anyone grow these? Does anyone have pictures or know where to find one? It's frustrating to read all the interesting things and not be able to find out exactly what they look like.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi McGlory, I was mentioning to my neighbour if he has seen a Korean Forsythia as I recall talking about it in the past with him. He's got one in his garden. Leafless now. He didn't have much to say about it. There's a bloom pic in the Random House "Shrubs" book, p. 42. I'll ask him where he got it from.

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks, growin. If you can find out where he got it, that would be great. Will go to Barnes and Noble and look for that book. I probably won't buy it, but I can see the picture! Thank you again.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I think I made a mistake (oops!). I was asking my friend about F. koreana. I did, though, do an image lookup on google and got a bunch of results.
I remember reading a wholesaler's description saying it was a shy bloomer but can't find that catalogue now. Sorry about the confusion.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

McGlory, Michael Dirr's Manual describes Forsythia viridissima var. koreana as: "Variety koreana Rehd. grows to 8' high, with larger leaves, pale yellow flowers, and often good maroonish fall color". There are several cultivars with variegated foliage - 'Kumson' being one of the more spectacular ones grown primarily for its striking foliage. Although we don't have one planted in our landscape yet, it's quite vigorous in a pot so we usually prune it back to promote new growth with the bright variegation and haven't seen much for flowers yet.

Picture of the foliage below - although it's a bit fuzzy, it shows the unique foliage.

Thumbnail by rcn48

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