Strange white grains of sand?

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I couldnt get a clear picture but I have what looks like white almost clear eggs, bugs or what ever they are on the leaves of my Cananga odorata top and bottom. I have no sand here so what it is maybe you all can guess? I havnt seen any damage to the leaves and I have washed them off several times but the grains are back the next day.
Thank you for any advise

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

get a magnifiying glass and look ,. if they look like they have 6 legs or 8 legs and 2 black
spots on there backs you got spider mites

Snohomish County, WA(Zone 8b)

Sounds like it could be aphids? It seems they would return more readily after a deluge!

Ideally, the best thing would be to show someone or get a clear picture to share so someone can make a proper indentification for the best remedy. No sense speculating then spending the money on the wrong product.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I had some Neem Oil on hand I figure what ever it is or was will be gone very soon!

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