Wishing You All A Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

I recently heard someone say, "I belong to an online community." I love that term "online community" and it certainly applies here. I'm thankful to have met you all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

God's Peace,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope the circumstances in your lives lead you to feel an overwhelming sense of thankfulness and blessing as you enjoy the day of feasting with the ones closest and dearest to you.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Thanksgiving from Texas!

Fair warning to those of you in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois: my family is on their way to Beloit for the annual day-after-Thankgiving party. Rampant card playing and general goofiness spontaneously erupts in their wake. Generally they have a big card party in Davis, IL on the Saturday after, too, but my Aunt Ginny wisely made other plans this year. We were supposed to come, too (to keep things under control, naturally... you don't think I would be a part of such hooliganism, do you???), but there was a scheduling conflict at my DH's work and he couldn't get off. Bummer. :-(

Joy and blessings to you all,
~ Marylyn

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I too want to wish everyone a very Blessed, Happy Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for the *friends* I have made here at DG. It's funny how one can *feel close* with people you have never *met*.

I hope those of you who are traveling have a safe journey. I am so thankful for all of God's Blessings in my life and I pray All have an extraordinary Thanksgiving with their families and friends.

God Bless All,


Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and your loved ones!


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

And when you wake from your turkey induced coma, I hope the Fairies have cleaned your kitchen!

Thumbnail by mornin_gayle
Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Marylyn - Beloit is right up the road from me, and Davis is right .down. the road. I'll keep an eye out for Texans on the loose. I have a bunch of Texans in the family (my Dad's side), so I know how they can get out of control. LOL

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Wishing peace and love and laughter to all my American buddies. Happy Thanksgiving!


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends..
Hope you have a safe and joyful Turkey Day..

Blandinsville, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

sstateham, I'm the lone Texan in the family, actually. The rest of the bunch live in Ohio - that's much worse! LOL You probably know people I'm related to... Most of my mom's family is in the Beloit/Janesville/Rockford/Rockton area. Kelsey, Cooper, Hahn, Conway, Lawson, Dresser... any of those last names ring a bell? :-)

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

I grew up in Rockford; moved here eighteen years ago.


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I know a Mike Dresser in Roscoe, and a Mark Conway that runs a bar in Rockford.

Jasmerr - it's gotten a lot better than it was 18 years ago.

We had a huge dinner. My DH outdid himself. All I cooked was appetizers for our open house in the afternoon and the desserts for dinner. I must say, though, that my creme caramel turned out much better than it had in years past, but this year I actually followed the recipe (Ya think that'd help, eh?)

Today is kitchen clean up, leftovers, and a ban on cooking anything

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

We cooked up about 33 pounds of turkey; most of it in the deep fryer. We also had Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes, Tossed Salad, Lettuce with Fruit and dressing, Pumpkin Pie, and Carmel Apple Pie. All for five people! The plan was in case friends and neighbors planning to travel ended up staying home they would still have a nice meal. Now we have lots of leftovers and will be having those friends for dinner tonight and tomorrow.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Sstateham, Hmmm... I don't know either of them. Happy birthday!!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Marilyn - thanks :) Pretty low key day so far.

Jody - Sounds like you've got at least enough for dinner (hope there are a LOT of friends coming!)

We have enough for dinner tonight and desserts to snack on over the weekend. Otherwise we're inpretty good sahpe. When I got up this morning the kitchen looked like the FBI had tossed the place, but it's cleaned up and wiped down now.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

LOL @ ss

I Hate when I get up and the kitchen looks like that from the night before.

I usually have X-Mas Eve at our house,,,,sometimes it gets pretty late and I may have had a wee too much X-Mas Cheer so nothing gets cleaned,,,only put away,,,if I can find the fridge,,,LOL. I get up in the morning, go downstairs and my Christmas Angel is there already cleaning it all up for me,,,,My Gran,,,she's such a honey. Sure am glad every Christmas morning that I gave her the house key way back when,,,,


Awww, I missed this! Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone!

I just received this in an e-mail and thought I'd post it for you all-

Subject: Signs you overdid Thanksgiving

1. You spill more food on you than the local soup kitchen dispenses
2. Paramedics bring in the Jaws of Life to pry you out of the EZ-Boy
3. Your after dinner moans are loud enough to signal Dr. Kevorkian
4. The "Gravy Boat" your wife set out was a real 12' boat !
5. The potatoes you used set off another famine in Ireland
6. You get grass stains on your butt after a walk, but never sat down
7. Your "Big Elvis Super-Belt" won't even go around your waist
8. You receive a Sumo Wrestler application in your e-mail
9. You set off 3 earthquake seismographs on your morning jog Friday
10. Pricking your finger for cholesterol screening only yielded gravy
11. You have 5 TV sets side-by-side to catch all the football games
12. A guest quotes a Biblical passage from "The Feeding of the 5000"
13. That rash on your stomach turns out to be steering wheel burn
14. Your wife wears a life jacket at nite in your water bed
15. Representatives from the Butterball Hall of Fame called twice
16. You consider gluttony as your patriotic duty
17. It looks like the left-overs are gonna last until Christmas
18. Your arms are too short to reach the keyboard & delete this

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

LOLOL That about sums it up :)


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