Fall Tomatoes

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Nov. 22
Its been in the 30,s at night. Sometimes 23.
I been heating the greenhouse (16x80) with a turbo karosene/disel heater.



Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Cucumbers for Thanksgiving

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

yes , I am bored.

see the heater.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

one more pic

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Everything looks wonderful. Do you sell your tomatoes and cucumbers?

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes I sell my tomatoes and cucumbers.
I have a few tomato plants that I will be growing on through Jan and Feb to see how they produce during the low light months. I will grow them in my seedling house.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I would love to be growing tomatoes right now. Would make for a wonderful salad for thanksgiving with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Keep up the good work. Your tomatoes do make my mouth water.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

oh cricket you are so lucky-i just luv the smell of the tomato plants!!!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I do to. Every time I go in the greenhouse I smell the tomatoes like they were petunias.
Tomatoes are my obsession.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

They certainly look healthy! Mine always brown up

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I think these tomato plants have the onset of blight.
they have a gray spot about middle ways of the leaf on the edge of the leaf. Kinda looks like it was scorcthed.
Not very many have it just a few.

They will get chopped down 1st week in Jan anyway. I will just keep the bad leaves cut off. That seems to help slow down wide spread attack.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes.. That is a good method to help slow it down. I wish Iived closer to take advantage of your fresh tomatoes..

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i always loose my plants to blight! stinks!

maybe i can get Dh to spray them next yr!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

So, do tomatoes ripen faster off the vine or on the vine? these tomatoes are making me mad. I picked a few yesterday and cooked fried green tomatoes. The largest tomatoes still are not even close to ripening or mature. The seeds are still small and immature. No yellowing inside at all. The biggest green tomatoes are at least a 10 oz. Disappointed about no red tomatoes yet.
I sowed them Aug 5th. Its been 17 weeks since then. UGGG.
I thought since it took the Big Beef 18-19 weeks to ripen, that i would grow Trust tomatoes because they are light sensitive ---produce better in the lower lights of Fall and Spring, but dang if it dont seem like its going to take longer for them to ripen than Big Beef or the same amount of time. And I like the flavor of Big Beef green fried tomatoes better so far. I am just impatient. I might have to change the business sign of ripe tomatoes due date once again. They are taking forever. Live and Learn. Guess I know now that it takes at least 19 weeks to get a vine ripe tomato no matter what the type or sensitivity. When it says sensitive to light---it just means it will produce more tomatoes than others but not ripen sooner than others. I just didnt think about it clearly.

I am eating cucumbers though. : )


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

girl you are so so lucky for me it will have to be store boughten from here till next summer-im so jealous

fried green tomatoes are so yummy!!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

They are pinkkkkkkk. Its about time!!!

Looks like its taking a total of 19 weeks from the sow date to get red tomatoes. Plus its cooler weather.

I been reading about Blight. I have read alot of differant descriptions and preventions.
Most of all, it is carried over to the next season in the soil.
Thats one reason why farmers rotate crops but even then they have to put the new tomato plants far away from the last location.

I did reuse my soil from spring crop. OOPS.
And yes, I put my plants too close together. They did grow great and had plenty of sunshine but not enough air flow. OOPS

Live and Learn.



Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

yahoooo on the ripe tomatoes!!!

My uncle use to plant his tomato plants in old tires buried just a little under the soil
The plants grew up and over the tires and the tires kept the ground moist! i may have to try it too next yr. Going to grow my tomatos in a brrand new area!

your a lucky gal with them there mators-we have drifts of snow everywhere right now!! sigh!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

oh its very cold here . We dont get snow with our cold weather. Not enough moisture. Its been around 20 degrees every night.
I just heat the greenhouse.

The first time i ever grew tomatoes , I planted 6 tomato in tires to help prevent weed growth around the plants. Those were the biggest tomato plants. Of course the tires didnt make them big , it was how i cared for them. First i dug a hole 2 feet deep and took out half the soil and mixed in ---nice compost manure and peat moss. And I kept them fertilized once a week. I had more tomatoes than i knew what to do with. I had to use hog wire to hold them up in place. Canned alot and gave away alot.
My father saw one of my tomato spikes which was really a 12 foot 2x4 and he said i sure did have high hopes. It took a few years to learn how to grow tomatoes---but i did finally reach 12 feet. ha dad!!!!!!!!

I keep second guessing myself. I think my plants will do great if I just had enough fans to keep airflow goin during the hot calm summer days. We shall see.

So, I am sowing my spring tomatoes today. I never grew them this early before. I am ordering a MOdine Propane heater for the big greenhouse. Buying a small ventless wall propane heater for the seed house. I have 4 2x8ft heat mats to keep the mater roots warm. I sure hope this works---cause if it dont, I am out alot of money!!!!! EEKK.


Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

todays pic

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

oh wow those are so pretty!
we are in for a snow/freezing rain storm tomorrow-it will be a mess!!

I will keep my fingers crossed that everything works to your favor!!!!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

OH GEE, I like selling what i grow---but!!!!
I have a table for my produce---and it has a mail box with a slit on top and the door of it is pedlocked and the mail box is screwed to the table. We set this up during the summer because I had that tubal surgery and I couldnt run to the greenhouse every time a customer showed up. So they just put their money in the box and bagged up their own tomatoes from the cups. Anyway--The table is still out there but has no produce on it. I have been waiting impatiently for the first ripe tomato!!! I went out to the greenhouse yesterday and every pink and red tomato was gone ( which wasnt many) GONE!!!! I freaked out!!!! Someone done took my tomatoes!!! --we checked the mail box just incase ---and their was $6.00. Ha---it had to be a regular customer to know what he/she was doing cause we had no signs or instructions on what they should do.
IT was kinda funny in a way but i sure did want a red tomato. : (


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

OMG!! That must have been Freaky!! Glad it was someone paying vs a Mater Thief!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Glad they paid but dang i would have been in a MAD panic looking for my mators!
grab a pink one and put it in a sunny window!!!!!!!

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