Howdy. Yet another Saintpaulia sucker appears...

Denver, CO

I am new in this forum, and after having nearly fallen out of my chair when I saw speckled Saintpaulia, I know that I will be here now and again... I can tell from my experiences with the blood-sucking Orchid Mania, I have to be careful as to not let African violets take over. I have very few, but when they overflowed the windowsill, I hammered together a little shelf arrangement for them. I think their appeal is continuous flowers when my Garden Life outside is dead, and it is too early to start seedling transplants.

Here is a picture of my few sad Saintpaulia beginning to bloom now just so you know how novice I am. (After my summer abuses to them) Others are beginning to bud up.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Denver, CO

And here is my tiny (Remember: Tiny) Area allocated for these creatures. I figure that I can change out a small collection with my favorites, and give away the extras.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Denver, CO

2zeus, I was in Port Alberni this past summer. It was the most charming little town on Van Island. Do you happen to know about a particular boxelder tree in town, that has one variegated branch? I had a great time wandering. How about the donut shop at the end of the road on the inlet?

Now, I must remember this winter that my heart lies with the East Garden come spring. Here is my "Main Garden."

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Denver, CO

I will probably be a silent observer and drool over your plants, but if ever I find I have something worth trading with you lovely folks, you will certainly hear about it!

Here is that tree, 2zeus. If you happen to know that street, I have a story for you.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

WOW James your plants and blooms are very beautiful :)) Nice growing !
Welcome to the Forum. I'm pretty new myself. I enjoyed your interesting postings . Your outdorr gardning is great ! I have seen some of your Photo's you have a green arm !
Nice to meet you, Allison

Silver Spring, MD

Welcome, James

Thanks for sharing. We all love to see pictures. The violets are not in the least sad. Very Beautiful.


Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

Nice to meet you James. It's good to have you on board.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi James and Welcome to the African voilet forum. Your violet are very beautiful .Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Welcome, James!

You've got some lovelies, there! The bloom on that purple one (upper right of first pic) is just HUGE!

It's amazing that, no matter how small the space, we can always find room for plants... I had a tiny studio apartment in Chicago and still managed to cram (and I mean cram) a potted ginko tree into my pocket kitchen! It was perched on a tiny table in front of the window...

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

We live in a small single wide one bedroom trailer. There is always room for one more ! Allison

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

James the two top look like Ultra violets ? Are they girl leaf ? Allison

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Welcome James!
Your violets look well grown and happy with all the blooms.
You may want to start adding another shelf cause if you hang around here long we will over flow your space with extras Av's.:) There's no way of avoiding an AV addiction once it starts.
You might want to email Allison and get in on here leaf offer for our Easter Bunny Trade CritterO is graciously handling.

Glad you're here.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

There are over twenty thousand Fabulous plants ! Not to mention the Gessies their family :)).
I am offering a box of about ten or more baby plants and at least 6 bags of leaves of 2-4 leaves of each kind. All Labeled named African violets ! ( All kinds, Mini's, Semi's , trailers, Standards :)) ) All the description and reg. info . Gosh you could sell the box full on Ebay easily for $ 100.00 lol :)) Wink Wink... For just shipping and handling. This is for people that don't have at least ten named African violet plants who would like to join in out super Secret Easter Bunny Swap in April. Having the plants will give you enough time to grow them out and have leaves to trade, and having the leaves now you will also have baby plants to trade :)) African violets are fun to grow but the Best thing their Fun to Share :))

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi James,I'm a newbie also.Your violets are very pretty.

Denver, CO


I can tell you are a real Queen Gee. It is Ladies like you in a trade to whom the world owes the fact that everyone has something better to do than watch television. You inspire your colleagues!
Who could say no to your offer? I can't. Certainly, if (by some rare chance) you do not have some of those others of mine, you have first pick of those I'm propagating. You remember that, I hold my word.

What little I know of each of the pictured plants: read left to right, top to bottom:

Girl-leaf 'Ultra' series ; Big-flowered Anthoflores plant ;
Semi-miniature? Double pink from a friend of mine ; and what I call 'Double Plum' from who-knows-where.

I have a full-size extra of the last plant.
Which of these is desirable to propagate? (Seriously) Meaning: which is worth the space?

I can tell I'm Hooked. Oh well.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi james
I was thinking your plant on the top right looks like a girl leaf Ultra also ? They are all pretty !
I'll Dmail you :)) Now go sign up for the Secret Easter Bunny Swap and dmail Jill with your name and address :)) Yeah ! Jeames. Allison

Denver, CO

I'm pretty sure the top right fellow is an anthoflores selection, I only have one Ultra series plant, and the fuschia thing is it.

(I just started some leaf cuttings. I'm officially hooked.)

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

I'll tell you African violets are addicted . I know maybe one person who orders one plant at a time and has self control . I have never had that control I just love growing African violets by leaf ! Allison

Denver, CO

The easy propagation opens them up to such potential. And oh, the feeling of making all those little baby plants! I was just splitting up a community pot of Amaryllis seedlings into small individual pots. I don't use this word often, but they are Cute.

I just hope that they do not suffer too badly in summer when I practically live outdoors.
-But this spring trade thing is going to make me so high on top of the bloom season of all the new bulbs I just planted...

You know, we both have plants interfering with our sleep. I've been cleaning my bedroom and arranging plants "permanently" for the winter. (Including AVs)

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