What a year it has been.

Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

Hello, been awhile since I posted here on the forums. I'm just getting back up to speed on things. I could not keep up on my composting making, making compost tea and the Earthboxes. The only thing that is doing okay is my worm farm. I had a heart attack back in July and I'm slowly getting back to doing and getting things done now. I hope all of you had a great green growing season. I'm already in the planning mode for next year. See you on the forums.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Good to hear you didn't let that heart attack keep you down. Good goin' on doing yourself justice and taking care of yourself!

Hope to see you around the forums! (Hope your "root beer foam" is still kicking out on your tea brewers!)

Hang in there! See ya 'round!


Fountain, CO(Zone 5a)

Hello Shoe, thanks, great to hear from you, hope that your season was great. The brewers are going and will have a batch done by tomorrow. This will be the last one for this year.
Got to keep on going forward and making alot of changes health wise.
See ya around on the forums.

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