Thoughts on this practice?

I was looking for information on the Internet and ran across this at that GardenWeb forum-

"Sometimes I add a cup of common drug-store hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to a gallon of water, if the plant receiving it is in a situation where it should have more light. This usually happens when there is a hard freeze warning and the plants all come inside. When a plant is in a dark place, it is likely to absorb oxygen to sustain itself. The extra oxygen molecules in the hydrogen peroxide give the plants this extra little boost. Don't overdo it. Another thing I have found H2O2 to be good for is the following:
Oxygen kills fungus. If there is the suspicion that there may be a fungal problem in the soil, try watering with the same 1 cup to a gallon of water solution.
Oxygen encourages rooting: Try the same solution for putting a "difficult to root" cutting to soak in for up to 3 days before potting it as you normally would. I have had very good results with this for rooting conifer cuttings.
Try the same solution with the addition of 1/4th cup bleach per gallon of water for a soak for seeds to be planted the next day. The oxygen makes the first root shoot out of that seed big and strong, and the bleach acts as a fungicide, killing any fungal spores on the seed. Likewise, the same mixture can be used for the first watering of the seedbed. Do not do this again as the chlorine levels may build up in the seed-mix and cause death to the whole bed."

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I use H2O2 when I water seedlings and when I am starting seeds. Works great and keeps that nasty fungus away. I believe that I get a higher percentage of success when starting seeds if I use it. Dont see why it wouldnt work with other stuff. I also use it when I get a plant in the mail that is a little stressed.

I do dip my iris rhizomes in a mild bleach solution before I plant them. There was one time that I dipped a Sarracenia in a mild bleach solution because I figured it looked so far gone it wouldn't matter what I did to it. The Sarracenia lived much to my surprise. I don't think I'd want to make bleach and automatic additive to Sarrs but I'm really beginning to think there might be some merit to possibly using H2O2 in water.

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