Tomatoes for Thanksgiving dinner

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

My tomato plants finally froze on Tuesday. (Heats been off in the greenhouse for nearly a month.)
We picked all with some at least pink on them. My DW & MIL made the canned things yesterday. The cut tomato, I devoured for lunch! Yummy!!
We have enough part ripe tomatoes to have some ready for Thanksgiving. My grandson helped pick, so we have a bunch of green ones too.
We picked off of these plants from June 11 until November 11. Can anybody top that ? To top it off the plants were still in great shape when they froze. Who knows how long they would have produced.
We may find out next year. A man is going to build a new restraunt in our little town. he wants to use all locally produced food he can, so we may have a new market there. I would continue to heat the greenhouse if I had a place to sell the tomatoes.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Would you like to see the picture ?
I thought so!

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)


What else might you raise in winter for a resturaunt?

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh Bernie!
I'm green with Tomato Envy! Oh my goodness those tomatoes look delicious! Too bad you can't bring a peck sack full to Roundup next May.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We are planning on trying a bunch of things next year. We also had cucumbers in the greenhouse. They were done first part of Oct.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Mine froze on Wednesday. I knew they would, so I picked the two green tomatoes that were hanging on. One had started to turn. My grandma loves fried green tomatoes, so guess who gets them? ;-)

I grew my plant on the front porch this year, in a huge clay pot. One cherry tomato, one regular. They both did well, but the cherry tomato did the best. No more tomatoes than we eat, I'm going to do it this way again next year.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Nice looking tomatoes. What kind are they? I'd love to have good fresh tomatoes for Thursday's dinner. It's hard to think that we have to wait, here, until July for another fresh tomato.

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