UMW Coffee break #3

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Here's the Coffee Break #3 started Nov 16, 2005

Continued from

I'll be back as soon as I've posted the link in the old one!


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Lauren...I'm glad to hear that your dad is in "good spirits". Really had to LOL ~ the tractor story...BOTH sides! Him ording it...and you cancelling it! (He sounds like quite the character!)

Gayle...your DH has already had a stent implant, too? WoW and SO young! The last thing I heard was that if an angioplasty was necessary in WI was required that a stent be implanted. I guess there were a lot of ruptured vessels happening so the 'rule' was put in place.

When I had my first one...they didn't make one large enough for the length of the I was two for the price of one. LOL


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Ah,,,,still snowing here,,,,coming down pretty good now,,,,,,ooooo, and me caught with out my salt for the stairs,,,that's all I need is for someone to go flying down those darn stairs and breaking their neck,,,guess my lunch will be spent going and getting salt,,,*&%#$


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

I said the same thing to DH last night when he let the dog out. Oooops! Gotta get salt!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Nope lunch wasn't spent getting salt,,,used table salt,,,works in a pinch,,,lunch was spent doing last nights dishes and folding towels,,,,ggggrrrr

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Just found the Midwest forum this morning... That's what you get for limiting the forums you "watch" miss the new ones.

We have a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. I'm not sure how long it's been since we had temps like this around Thanksgiving, but it's been a while. Brrrr! I'm really not looking forward to February. I never did get all my daff bulbs in the ground - looks like I may have to pot them up in the garage.

I cheated on the salt thing - for now there's kitty litter on the stairs until I can get to Farm and Fleet to buy salt. Let's hope the neighborhood cat's don't misunderstand the purpose.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Good Morning Everyone!

Want to join me in chat?

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I'm having trouble with the chat - I have the buttons and message field, but nothing comes up on my screen.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, I'm sorry! some people do have problems with the Java applet that runs it.

Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Mornin', all! Just wanted to check in an say "Hi!" Unfortunately, I don't have time to spend in Chat this morning.

sstateham - Welcome to the UMW Forum. I think we may have met on DG before. Do you live in the W State/Kilburn area? I didn't get my iris bulbs back in the ground, but it is supposed to get up in the mid 30's later this week; maybe I'll try then.

Have a good day!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Morning All,

Haven't had my first whole cup o joe yet,,,so,, only half awake,,,A brisk 3 degrees here this morning,,,bbbbrrrrr.

Hey ss,
glad you could join us.

ss is from Rockford, IL,,,I still have to get Gran's Tulips in,,,,,,,supposed to get warmer this weekend so, hopefully they'll get in then.

Check back later,


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

OH Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Central, WI(Zone 4a)


That's about how I feel right now,,,add a blue and green plaid robe and big pink fuzzy slippers,,,LOL


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Kel, I'm finished planting but still have some cleaning up to do in the garden.
Some stuff stays until Spring for winter interest and the critters.

Waiting for the milder days they have forecast later in the week.
I have fence posts to pound and wire panels to put up .

I'm moving the perimeters of the horse pasture to make it easier to bring the horses in during the winter.(ice-age)

Gotta go get that load of iron posts later today ;-)

Smells like that cherry cobbler in the oven is just about ready ...... ummmmmm

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Jasmerr - yep, that's me :) I'm hoping that the weather will be good enough over the weekend to finish up the bulbs. Forecast here is for mid fourties. The trick will be getting that without rain or high winds.

I get to hole-up today an work from home, so I don't have to pursuade the poor old jeep to start in the cold.

Cherry cobbler????? I'll be right over.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

O.K. Jody and ss,,,I'm confused W State/Kilburn area?


Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Kel - it's the part of town that I live in. We're on the far West end of Rockford off Kilburn Avenue. We're actually off Riverside instead of West State St.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Ah, I C,,,,that's why I was confused,,,,doesn't take much on a cold morning that early,,,LOL

Have to Drag my Butt upstairs and get ready for work,,,C U all later.


West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Forgive me if you've seen this in hypertufa (or whatever it's called). I didn't know where I was this lost wandering in Dave's Garden. Could be worse. Anyway, I had intended to put it here.....but I think that there are a lot of people in both places. By the way........I feel another garden interest coming on. I couldn't believe all of the awesome things these people are making out of cement. I do have doubts about my artistic abilities however. Thank goodness it's now too cold to work outside.

Good morning all,

I haven't had a chance to get on and chat lately, and don't have much time this morning either. I've really missed you all. So.......are you all enjoying our winter wonderland? I had 6 degrees here this morning, and don't even want to think about the wind chill. I didn't get all of my shoveling done last night, and I refuse to do it when it is so darned cold. I'll work on it when I get home this afternoon. At least the sun is out. I go into soup mode when the weather gets like this. Wish I could get a pot going right now, but need to take off as soon as I can. I'll need to pick up some really special bread to go with chicken soup on my home today.

Have a good one!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Don't think any of us know where we are in DG in the a.m.,,,,LOL I'll be over for lunch,,,J/K LOL

I can vouch for Marie's soup,,,,excellent,,,mmmmmm sounds good on a cold day like today.

Cust. here gotta go.


Merrimac, WI(Zone 4b)

Kelly - I grew up in Rockford and moved to Merrimac eighteen years ago. I met SS on another forum and we chatted briefly. Back in high school I had friends that lived in the area where SS lives.

Marie - hypertufa is great. I've made a small planter and a pagoda shaped garden light. Unfortunately, the lid for my light was too thin and it broke :-(

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


We were almost neighbors,,,,I grew up in Wheeling,,,moved up here 14 years ago. That's where I got confused, I was thinking you meant Washington State,,,,DUH moment here,,,,sorry,,,LOL

I met Marie in the Hosta Forum, we chatted a lot,,,,(I know that's hard to believe) LOL,,,,I twisted her arm, she came over to my house, we went to lunch and went to Foxfire (AWESOME TIME) we were like 2 clucking hens,,,seems when we get together, we can't stop talking,,,,,,then I went out to her house and we put some Hosta's in a new bed she was putting in. Had a great day then too.

Such awesome friends you can make here!


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Guys, here is the link to my post about the vandalisim to the school buses here in Dubuque. I still can't fathom what would motivate someone to put so many CHILDRENS lives in danger!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Good morning everyone....the snow is melting in Chariton today. YES!! The coffee is going down smoothly....and I need to start making some plans for what I'm going to fix for Thanksgiving Dinner. Hope you all have a great day.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Mornin' Shirl

Make bread ;-)

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

~screech~ THANKSGIVING?! The last Holiday I remember is the 4th of July! You mean we're already *doing* TG? LOL
(WAAAAY too much gardening involvement for me...I'm buying SEEDS for WS today! - Let someone else worry about cooking. hehehe They did fine LAST year without me. :-D)


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

oooo, not good,,,I'm still waiting for October to get here,,,,,,hhhmmmmmm

Morning All,

Just checking in. Have to get some stuff cleaned up while I have a short break in the Salon.

Check back later

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Not feeling well this morning. Just a continuation of how I was feeling last night, which was horrible. Better today, though. I was thinking maybe it was something I ate, but I didn't eat anything that would be suspect.

Hoping my fern leaf peony comes today so that I can get it in the ground before the ground is totally frozen. I planted some lilies yesterday and was surprised that the first inch was frozen. Of course, we did get rain the day before, so that's probably why.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

oooo, Kylee, Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hope you start to feel better fast.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh...Kylee...I hope you're feeling better *real* quick! At least in time for me to get a little work done and get back here to talk. LOL
(You have Dmail!)

Hi Kelly and Scooter...(and I'll bet I missed someone else...but I have to run)


Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm doing better than I was last night, thanks. I HAVE to get this house somewhat cleaned today because youngest daughter is coming home with her boyfriend for the weekend, tomorrow. And tomorrow we go wedding dress shopping for oldest daughter's wedding dress!

But what I really feel like doing is curling up on the couch with a blankie and Baby (one of the kitties).

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I know what you mean about "soup mode". If I can't putter in the flower beds I putter in the kitchen. Today I'm making chicken soup for the weekend and venison stew for the week. We have a little meat left in the deep freeze from last year that needs to get eaten before DH brings home another deer. Tis the season, so to speak.

I still have work to catch up on, but not nearly as much as last weekend. I was gone for business for a few days, and it backed me horribly. At least there's light at the end of the tunnel now.

Making the kids tdo the housework so I can get the rest of this stiff done. We have new neighbbors, and they're coming over tomorrow for cocktails. Haven't even thought about what I'll do for snacks yet. Hard to plan for people you don't know.

Kylee - you need a good book and a cup of tea to go with the blankie and the kitty - you'll feel better in no time.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Just had a minute inbetween customers so I thought I'ld check in.

What do you have that you're not feeling well, I'm not feeling today now. Maybe it's catchy,,,,ROFLOL
Well, BBL Cust. here

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Good Saturday Morning Everyone!

I messed around with my camera all week and spent some time this morning re-organizing my photos on the 'puter, so I can actually FIND the stuff I want to share for a change, lol!

Here is a pathetic attempt at an "action" shot, lol. I was trying to catch Jenna flying thru the air after Nathan tossed her at the pile of leaves. Didn't quite get it.....

Thumbnail by mornin_gayle
Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh man...I'm really in a fog...not sick...just can't think straight. SOUP! Maybe *that* would clear things up.

Just wanted to pop in and let you know I'm still alive (NO thanks to Gayle!! LOL)

Have a GREAT day, everyone!


Edited to say: GOOD SHOT Gayle! I love that one!

This message was edited Nov 19, 2005 11:58 AM

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

(NO thanks to Gayle!! LOL)

*snicker and snort* Moi?? What did I do? I'm innocent, INNOCENT I tell ya! *scoff scoff*

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

~snort~ Yeah....right!


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Would you two please turn your heads while *snort snort'ing* ?

I dink my node ib tupping up * ah-cheeeewie*

Ot-doh ...... too late

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

*handing Scooter some kleenex* sorry!

Dh and Jenna just came home from the grocery store with 2 very neglected braided croton topiaries. Originally priced at $16.95 in a 6 inch pot. They got them both for $1! Dh says "I know you like crotons, and these looked like they needed your help." Awwwwww I love him again today! They both started with 4 stalks in the braid, but are now down to 2 each, lol. Lots of dead foliage picked out already too. I'll do my best!

Heading for the basement now, laundryroom and the kids' playroom are both disasters. Think I'll be hanging out more over here in the future anyway.

Better garlic.


Oh, for Julie, Rosie and Miss Molly:

Thumbnail by mornin_gayle
Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)


Gayle...doesn't Rosy *ever* sit up?? :-D And Miss she the one that knows when there's french fries in the fridge? LOL

Oh...and Scooter...I'm sorry we *snorted* on you. I don't think it's catchy though. Come to think of it...YES! It *is* catchy! And you're next! AND I LOVE that cartoon!


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