Last dahila of the season, sigh!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

This is a picture that I took this morning.
It froze hard last nite. Down to 28 degrees here in my garden according to my ther.

But when I had gotten home the other day from Bellingham, WA, I had noticed that this one last dahlia had opened up.
It was planted very very late in the spring/summer but it still did its job, I see.

This is 'Watercolors', tho the colors aren't totally right due to blooming so late.

So it is the END of DAHLIAS, am so sad but am looking forward to next season already!!!

Tho just need to get my dahlias dug and sent to you all now!!!


Thumbnail by daisyruffles
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Brrrr Carol! That's a beautiful tardy dahlia. LOL My Citron du Cap and Glenbank Twinkle finally opened and were so unlike what I expected I didn't even bother digging them up, or photographing. If I have to have them next year, I'll get new ones.

It was 28 here too this a.m.- I've finished digging all I'm going to dig for 05! YAY- YIPPEE- CHEER. But couldn't finish the season without sticking my entire foot and pant leg into a 5 gallon full bucket of ice cold water used for swishing mud off tubers. Chilling.

I'm already plotting and planning for next year too- only 5 months to planting time LOL!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Only 5 months, huh?
Well, guess we should get busy with planning too.
Brrrrr! A bucket of water, no thank you. I end up squirting myself with the hose today after mowing the lawn and that was enough for me. lol
Am glad that you are all done. I just got back yesterday from WA so got some bulbs in the ground this afternoon after work.
But after finishing the bulbs soon, I hope to finish the digging of the dahlia tubers.
So.... hope the weather holds to do some yard work this week then.
Later, Carol

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I am still digging, where I have my dahlias this year turns out to be really wet. We have had so much rain already. I am glad I am digging them after all, I think most of them would have rotted. I think I am going to lose a few because of wet. What a mess.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh dear, Joann, sorry to hear that.
Yes, it has been wet in Oct. and Nov. will be who know what type of weather!
Most of mine are in their raised beds so....
But with the even colder frost last nite, I need to get them dug real soon.
So Joann, we all just keep digging and digging, huh? That is the life of a dahlia addict / lover / nut!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I thought Carol once I have them all dug and cleaned(washed) I would call you one Saturday and we can sit in my garage and cut whatever you are wanting apart. Maybe sometime in December. Sound like a deal? Btw I have heat in the garage if I want it; so we won't freeze.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Of course I want some heat, hehe!
Sounds good to me.
My son wrestles sometimes in tournaments on weekends but will know the schedule soon so we can plan a Sat. then.
I was hoping to help you do the nasty, heavy work of the digging for you too!!!!
But haven't been available yet to do that due to my father's stroke.
This weekend my son is coming home for a dental school interview in Portland (OHSU), so this weekend is shot too. Tho I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM, has been 3 months since I have seen him.
Just let me know and I will come running, lol.

This message was edited Nov 16, 2005 9:20 AM

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