Yellow Morning Glory (i. ochracea) blooming again

Edinburg, TX

Woohoo!!! Noticed that several of my yellow morning glory (ipomoea ochracea) vines are putting out blooms. Most of the flowers are way up at the top of the trellises and fenceline - I had to get out the step-ladder to photograph them :o)

Am hoping I will be able to harvest fresh seeds this year. Last year these vines got zapped by a freak snowfall and freeze before they could put out seeds! Oh well, at least they grew back :o)

~ Cat (south tip of Texas)

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

...and another close up photo of another bloom.

~ Cat (south tip of Texas)

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

did not know they had yellow ones

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah Cat -
They are just as gorgeous as last year.
I'm in Houston - need to D-Mail you


Edinburg, TX


Yep, I've been growing this species for several years. The original seeds came from France and are somewhat rare in the US.

There are a couple of other yellows...but as far as I know they are smaller and paler in color. The i. ochracea has a bright lemon yellow color and about 2.75" in diameter. I assume it could grow bigger if I paid more attention to them and fertilized them but I don't :o)

Hey Emma...whatcha doing in Houston? You moved or vacationing? How are your YMGs doing? Did they survive winter and if so, have them bloomed yet?

~ Cat (south tip of Texas)

This message was edited Nov 14, 2005 11:32 PM

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Cat,
My 35-Year Old son, Jim, and his wife, Jennifer, are having their FIRST baby 'Finally' on Wednesday.
Inducing Labor.

My I. Ochraceas did survive the winter [but not outside].
STILL no blooms *>

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

EmmaGrace, how exciting - your first Grandbaby - post when the arrival happens, please!

Cat, those are gorgeous - thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

Calvert County, MD(Zone 7a)

Just got some of those seeds sprouting here! Nicking the seeds is apparently the key *remembers that for next time*
Those are just AMAZING blooms! (I can never get over the fact that it's a yellow morning glory, Cat, how long did yours take from seed to bloom and are these overwinterable inside?

Thanks for the seeds

Thumbnail by zemerson
Calvert County, MD(Zone 7a)

Emma, congrats on the new baby :)

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Jo and Zem,
Tomorrow is THE day.

Can't wait.

Edinburg, TX


Glad to hear Jim is doing well and my prayers are with your family. A new grandbaby girl will brighten everyone's life for sure!!!

~ Cat

ps...gonna post the YMG photos on that morning glory site too. Don't know how I missed it...DUHHHH!!!

This message was edited Nov 15, 2005 9:06 PM

Congrats, Emma!! Send pictures LOL!


Edinburg, TX


South Texas doesn't get many snowy or freezing really can't say how the vines will do up north. Will say I had planted a new batch back around June and they were already blooming by October. Those vines got zapped to the ground in December before I'd harvested seeds. They sprouted back up and were filling out the bay window security bars quite well until one of my hounds from Hades decided it was a nice place to dig. I covered up the roots again with soil and the lower half of the vines looks quite pathetic (like straggley morning glory vines often do)...but the top half is lushy green and blooming.

I've planted these for several years now...sometimes they bloom right away, sometimes they don't. Had my 'mother vine' in a pot and she lasted almost three years!!! That December snowfall and freeze killed her off. My fault for not protecting her better :o( but hey, this area hadn't seen a White Christmas in 109 years and the last time it snowed on any given time of the year was 37 years ago! I was excited to see snow in the deep south tip of Texas!!!

As for nicking the seeds...I usually use the damp paper towel in a baggy on a window sill method. One batch never sprouted so I got mad and tossed them out into the yard...lo and behold they sprouted there! Go figure!!!

Yes...the color of these morning glories is unmatched by any other. It's always a joy to see these blooming.

~ Cat

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Do we have a baby yet?

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, we do have a BEAUTIFUL baby girl.
Jamie Lynn was born at 3PM
8 pounds 9 ounces
20" long.

A Perfect Day!


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, EMMA - CONGRATULATIONS TO YOUR WHOLE FAMILY, and WELCOME, Jamie Lynn!!!!!!!!!!! We wish to see pictures, please!

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Emma, Congrats.on your granddaughter......I enjoy my grandson whenever I get to see him..he is 6 months old now....wanna see pics...

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Jo and Nadine.....
Hi Nadine - where you been?

I do have photos, but need to wait until I get back home to down load them.
Will post then.

Thanks Again,

Edinburg, TX


Congrats!!! Remember to post or send photos. Auntie Cat wants to see Jamie Lynn :o)

~ Cat

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Cat,
Ok - will do....
and Thank You!


Center, TX(Zone 8b)

Congrats Emma!!! Glad to hear everything went well. I sent your seeds out Tuesday so you should have them waiting on you when you get home.

Cat....Would love to have some seeds of this one. I didn't know there was a yellow mg. Your pictures are beautiful.


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

I found a Chinese yellow MG:

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi raydio,
when I last tried to get these Chinese MG, they no longer ship to the US.

Forgot to let you all know that I posted photos of my new Grandbaby on the MG Thread, sooooooo

If you haven't seen the photos of Jamie Lynn - AND her father
on Thread #27

My son, Jim

My daughter, Cindy

Jim again with my oldest granddaughter, Bailey,

---and me

Isn't she precious!
She wasn't real happy in the photo with me as it was time for her feeding - See, she is already


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Thamks for the heads-up, EmmaGrace.
Nature Products say they have US "partners".
Maybe they'll add seeds to what they offer.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

That is such a different color for a morning glory, Cat! Did you find anywhere to get seeds, raydio?
:) Donna

Dover, NJ

Wow Cat!!!

That is an awesome morning glory! I would love some seeds when you get some.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)


Lookie - Lookie!

I have a Bud on my I. ochracea ! ! ! ! ! !
After all this time.
I can't wait to see if it will go ahead and bloom. I've already moved my plants into my outside building to over-winter and had not checked this vine in a while until tonight. Also, noticed that the new leaves are a Wine looking color - never have noticed that before.

Aren't we excited here ! ! !

This is year #2 since I planted seeds.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Way to go!
:) Donna

Edinburg, TX

WooHoo Emma!!!

It's about time! Looks like you have three buds on that vine. More will show up soon enough. Yes, the new leaves have a bronze or wine tinge to them.

Remember mine were in full bloom last year when we got that freak snowfall/freeze. We've had a few cold nights out here...high 40's to mid 50's and it has not affected my vines at all. So long as it doesn't snow again and zap them to the ground :o)

I have several on the dining room window bars in my back yard, which crawled under the side gate and latched onto another trellis along the east side of the house. Others are on fence high trellises in the backyard as well. They are blooming quite well considering I have truly neglected them. Trouble is most of the blooms are way up high were the sunlight hits them and I haven't dragged out the big ladder to photograph them.

Ah, I just love that lemon yellow bloom :o) This is one of the lower blooms...somewhat's a little over 2.25 inches in diameter.

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Cat,
That is so beautiful.
I just can't wait for Blooms. I do hope it will be happy inside that building. On warmer days, I've been dragging it outside for the day.

I'm SO excited!


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Not source yet. :-(
But I'm not thru searching.

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