winter growth on TB's

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I'm potting up some small TB's for winter. Planning to put them in the greenhouse (unheated) with some type of insulation around them...I will start to heat the greenhouse about Feb. I know I must guard against them being too wet....but.....can I expect them to grow any during the winter ?

charlotte :)

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I would like to know the answer also. I potted up about 40 last week. I set them out the other day and let it rain on them. Now I worry about them rotting in the GH.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Chalotte and Winnie, I've asked a good friend of mine to reply to you both. I know that my irises grow during the winter but wanted to get advice from you from someone who knows them better.

Lebanon, OR

I grow many in pots in the greenhouse UNHEATED and do not have a problem with rot, they do not multiply as well in the pots but they grow and have bloomed in them.

The biggest thing with the pots make sure they have adequate drainage holes and the rain you received the other day Winni should not make them rot.


Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks Louise and Irisloverdee,
I feel so much better about them now. My Gh is unheated also. I plan on getting them in the ground as early in spring as possible. It's in the 50's during the day and down in the 20 and 30's here at night. I want to send a big thank you again to the lovely lady that sent these to me.

Thumbnail by winnietn
Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I'm pretty much in the same boat as Winnie. My greenhouse will be unheated for a while yet and then I plan to set them in a somewhat protected area until planting time. I have watered very sparsely so I hope they will be okay :)

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Charlotte, If you happen to grow potted irises indoors near a sunlit window - - they will do very well too. But............ it seems if an unheated greenhouse works great for irisloverdee - then I see no reason to worry.

And Winni, a little rain now and then should actually do your irises more good than harm -if your pots have decent drainage and they dry enough before you take them out for another drink.

I think you both are on your way to a successful spring!! Ah......... spring.........!

~ Margie

Lebanon, OR

I have all my seeds from my crosses in the same greenhouse, only because I have chickens and if I leave them out the chickens remove all the labels...and I had them in area did not think the chickens could get to but they did a few years back, so now I have them in the greenhouse and they do very well!


Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I have trouble with my cat and dog scratching my plants up.
When did you sow your iris seeds? Do you heat your GH?

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

;-) Winnie!

Lebanon, OR

Winni, my greenhouse is unheated. Sowed them all in October.
I will take them out into the frost next time we get frost and no rain and I am not sick...then will take them back in.

Reason I do this is because they seem to germinate at better rate and speed, no other reason.


Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

You got me wanting to check and see what kind of Iris seeds I have to sow.LOL
What did you sow tb, siberian or what?

Lebanon, OR

I sowed bearded, sib, and daylilies:)

Have started to germinate already about 1% since mid October.:)


Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I have my seeds laying out ready to start playing in the dirt. Is there a post somewhere on germinating Iris and Daylily seeds?

Lebanon, OR

not that I know of but if you have any questions I can help with email off the thread and I will do my best to help you with it.


Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I googled some info on the net for them. Thanks. Now for the daylily seeds later.
Thanks to all for the info.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I think I may be seeing a little growth on some of my baby TB's. Of course the coldest part of winter is due soon. But then...I plan to start heating the greenhouse in early Feb. I can stand the power bill for one and a half months but not all winter :)

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I grew a group of dwarf iris in my unheated basement last year. Limited water & not much sun. They rooted well, but really took off when I moved them in April. Even had a couple of blooms from them.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Yea, Charlotte!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

And your spring comes so much earlier than ours--lucky duck!

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I think I have a little growth too. I potted up some white dwarf yesterday and all the pots from THANKSGIVING WEEK looked good.
I will start heating my gh in Feb also.
When are you going to start your veggie seeds?
I was thinking about starting tomatoes and peppers the last week of Feb or first week in Mar.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Well winnie....I couldnt wait till Feb and turned on my greenhouse heater today :)

I moved all the potted iris to a somewhat protected place outside. I may move a few special ones back inside in a few days.

I am going to start a few tomatoe seed soon... more and peppers by the end of Jan. now to find money for the electric bill :)

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