HELP! Think I burned my Blue Spruce with foliar spray

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 6a)

I have a blue spruce that is DEAD on one side I thought it was from something else and then I saw Paul James the Gardening Guy on HGTV saying that you can burn evergreens if you use any foliar spray BUT fish fertilizer (and I "think" I my have done this) - all I know is that 1 side of the tree is dead, dead dead I am SO sad has anyone else ever heard of this - will the burnt portions come back? Is there anything to be done? Please Help.............

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

On a spruce, the burned portion probably is toast. But you might always wonder unless you leave it until late spring to make sure there is no regrowth. So leave it that long, and in the meantime consider what you might do in that part of your yard with it gone. It's sort of like this new fad where people ask to be buried with their cell phones, so that in case they come back to life they can call someone to dig them up -- cover every option!

Guy S.

Yes, I've killed plants by fertilizing them. I sort of think your tree is toast. The little experience I have with conifers is that once your fry them like that, they don't fill in again. I'm still an eternal optimist and wouldn't remove it until maybe early next summer.

Soooo, there's a fad out there right now where people are asking to be buried with their cell phones? Interesting. That's the last thing I'd want to be buried with. A box of thin mint GS cookies and some juice boxes I could see... but a cell phone? I guess bells and real grave yard shifts are really a thing of the past now.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I agree that a badly burned conifer will have a poor chance at recovery, but I have to ask, why would you fertilize this time of year? Or did it take all summer before the browning occured?

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 6a)

A newfie giving me greive? Your on dangerous territory and I want Nunavut.......Yes I did it during the summer, eh. Stay tuned. Film at 11. ..........11:30 in Newfoundland. Sorry I am a transplanted canuck.....could not resist. I am hopeful cause some of the tips are coming back but of course this is right out front in a corner where I really can not plant something else to camouflage it maybe a non aggresive vine? Of course it is on the side facing the street so much for hanging Xmas decorations on it ....its more suitable for Halloween:+(

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