Shade Cover

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I have the little harbor freight greenhouse (6 x 8). It has the polycarb walls and ceiling - 4 mil I believe.

Today I started loading her up with the tender plants. I am also seriously considering the bubble wrap for additional insulation. The shade cloth is still on it and it is not needed for shade any longer - and ususally at this time of year I take it off.

Well, the lazy girl in me wonders if it will make a darn of difference if I take it off. I will be heating it (minimum of 45 degrees) this winter. I will have brugs, bananas and a few other things in there that need warmth and sunlight. But since those plants are going dormant ..........

What do you think, leave it on or take it off.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

mine stays on year round. I have a hoop house covered in shade cloth which gets covered in the winter with plastic- except this year, we had a custom cover made of 7.5 ml rip-stop like material (similar weight to a tarp)

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