potato vine "bulbs"

Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

I am new to Daves Garden..and guess I posted my question in the wrong place before. Anyway I have potato vine "potatoes" I found when I was cleaning out my flower pots this Fall. The vine was purchased from a greenhouse. What do I do with the "potatoes" Do you cut them like seed potatoes (saving the eyes) and replant or plant the whole potato? They are large, from 5" to about 8" long.

Denver, CO

I have a few and really don't like them. But I understand that one simply stores them whole and uncut in a place dry and cool.
Good luck wit those funny little things. They are fun, but have few redeeming ascetic qualities...

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have never cut mine but left them whole. Mine stay in the ground all your round here, but I imagine you would treat them like any other type bulb/rhizome.
Welcome to Daves.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I've stored mine in dry peat in a cool place for winter whole and in tact and they stored well. In spring I potted it up and as sprouts arose I just pulled them off and planted them where I wanted them. Each sprout had a few roots, so they went directly into my plantings. I ended up with all the plants I wanted from 1 potatoe. You can pull all the sprouts off and more will grow back. For me, only the plants in containers produced potatoes, but in the ground nothing. I think warmer soil temps had something to do with it. Good luck, Neal.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I did dig a few up this year and am going to keep them inside and do the bonsai thing with them.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

I grew a Sweet Potato last year and what a show it put on.
Covered a HUGE portion of my fence - and produced lots of blooms as well.
And it did make a quite few potatoes that were HUGE. One was about 2' long.
They were the sweetest tasting I've eaten yet.


Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Thanks to everyone for the info. I want to try the sweet potato next Spring thanks to EmmaGrace, it sounds like fun and I have plenty of fence for them to climb. Is this just a sweet potato from the grocery? Also, do I just plant the whole potato? What color would the bloom be?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

What does the foliage look like?

Wichita, KS

I am so glad you asked this question.
My husband brought some in today from my sweet potato plants.

I will store them in peat and see what happens.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wait just one minute there! Someone told me just this morning on DG that the sweet potato vine is purely ornamental. When I was a kid, I used to suspend an actual S P from the grocery store in water to get it to root, and those did grow (inside) rather prodigiously. Bloom no, more potatoes, no. Of course this was still all inside with no dirt and not a lot of light. But I thought the sweet potato vine that people grow here was different somehow!

confused, Carrie

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

There are many different kinds and they are alot of fun see this thread http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/555601/ too.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/375532/ This thread tells how to grow them after they "survive" the winter months. I found that mine liked about 60 degrees over the winter, best.

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