Trail Along rides again!

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

I LOVE this trailer......she's so reliable, and always blooming.

Thumbnail by mkjones
in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

She sure is a beauty Mk.

Silver Spring, MD

very beautiful.


Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

She is wonderful ! Whay do you have her growing in ? Very awesome plant ! Trailers are wonderful ! Thanks for sharing her.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)


Denver, CO

Oh no.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


James has just discovered TRAILING african violets!


Silver Spring, MD

Oh James, what you have missed


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

James, trailers are great! Allison, I grow all of my violets in a mix that I make. It's a part AV mix f/the store, part vermiculite, part perlite....lava rock sand, lime, superphosphate, systemic (for the yuck gnats), a bit of charcoal for cleanliness, and I think that's it! And, those trailers LOVE 5" pan pots.

=) MKJ

Silver Spring, MD

Tell me more about pan pots. Where do you get them??????


Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

That's what I meant was it in a Pan Pot ? I grow mine in Pan Pots too. along with Streps, Epscias...Allison
Nanna I posted two places I buy my Pan Pots and other pots on your post with your trailer. ( Stickey Wicket)
Thanks MK I thought it may be in a pan pot.

This message was edited Nov 22, 2005 1:33 PM

Silver Spring, MD


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