Would like some sort of a hanging orchid basket for a Nep

I don't have any hanging baskets in my home. I got into macrame back in college but I'm out of that straw colored twine and bead phase. I seriously haven't had a hanging anything around here in eons. I shop at mostly high end stores like WalMart and K-Mart but every once in a while I really go all out and shop at a Burlington Coat Factory or a Kohls or Target. I've never noticed hanging baskets. Perhaps I wasn't looking? Are there any chain stores out there that have maybe hanging orchid baskets? White would be best.

Yup, I want it for a Nep.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)


These items can be easily spray painted any color you like. There are many good brands that are suitable for wrought iron.

That's exactly what I was thinking, spraypaint.
That second one is really nice and unique!

I've got a can or Rustoleum high gloss white something or other here somewhere. I'm normally pretty "with it", I shouldn't have discounted spray painting the hanging baskets the color I wanted but I did. I was concerned about them peeling and looking ratty in a few months. I would think a rustoleum product should work. After all, I think it's made for outdoor use. My husband mentioned another possibility. He said buy them in the traditional black and hang them up just as they are and if we find we like the way they look and if we find the plants respond well to being grown in a new location that I should just take the planter down and bring it over to an auto body shop and pay them to spray it with what ever they use on cars. Never thought of that.

I've had great luck with Rustoleum in a spray can. Spray on a primer, then give it a couple of coats of Rustoleum. It's very tough stuff.

Done deal! And, I used high gloss white Rustoleum too. I knew I had been saving all those spray cans of paint for some reason!

You won't regret it! That stuff is tough as nails when applied properly. So when it's all planted, you'll be posting a photo?

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Don't hold your breath Pixy. Lauren is stingy with her photos! She talks a good game, but when it comes time to see pictures...:-)

OOOHH! Sounds like a challenge to me! The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down!

About all I could photograph for you all would be the hooks that I spray painted white if I could get my computer to stop freezing long enough to load them. My other camera finally went caput so I need to send it off to be repaired which is another issue. I have a brand new Cannon Power Shot S2 IS in a box here complete with an owner's manual and I have no idea how to use this thing. I am thoroughly disgusted because I like to take photos of family and friends and I am going to miss photo opportunities here because I do not have the time to sit down and be one with the owner's manual and Thanksgiving is just a day and a half away. I am thoroughly disgusted.

If anyone is interested, I found an awesome cast iron hook of a dragonfly over at Home Depot for around $12. I also found a hook style that was scroll that was rather attractive for around $10. And, they spray painted up real nice. I was rather surprised. I had to apply a few thin coats to cover the black though. I will post photos of the hooks as soon as I get a breather and figure out how to not only take photos but also how to use the new picture software that comes with the new camera. Ugh, does anyone have one of these Power Shot cameras who could give me a crash course over the phone?

I wish! I had a great Cannon digital camera until it got ruined at my party this summer. Somehow it got some liquid on it and now it's history. And it's still not paid for all the way! It burns me really bad! Sent it to warranty services and they made a personal phonecall to us to explain that the camera was ruined beyond repair. Grrr.
But your hooks sound cool.

Pixie! Do you know how to use the Cannon Power Shot? There's macro settings on my camera which is why I wanted it. If you know how to use what I have, I need help.... bad.

My other camera was a Kodak DX series. I loved it. I just wanted the ability to do super duper close ups for bugs.

Well Lauren, looks like the camera I had was a powershot S1 IS. It doesn't have macro capability, but isn't there a dial on top of your camera with little icons representing each function?

Check this out:

At full zoom, you cannot focus any closer than 3-ft. (90cm) unless you use macro mode, a close-up lens, or a combination of both. When using Macro mode or a close-up lens, there is also a maximum focusing distance. Remember when using macro mode and/or a close-up lens that there is no “infinity” and the depth of field is VERY shallow…with very little subject distance tolerance (an inch or less closer/nearer).

Super Macro Mode is at full wide angle only (6mm, zoom not available). Also, to access Super Macro Mode, the manual is incorrect (p. 58). You must press and hold the button for a second or so to activate it, not press repeatedly as the manual states.

Here's the website link: http://www.dcresource.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10364

They also have a toll free customer tech support line where someone could probably walk you through it..

This message was edited Nov 23, 2005 8:21 PM

Too tired to get up. The box is in the family room on the coffee table. I figured if I set it out, somebody might comment that they have one and give me the Cannon Power Shot for dummies crash course. We've got a lot of people coming over tomorrow so I'm hoping somebody has used one of these. I am not the only one to comment that they can't figure out how to use the macro. I need that macro.

Gosh. I'm really sorry about your camera. Those Power Shots are very expensive. I'm rather surprised it was damaged beyond repair. I've never heard of anyone doing that before. Did it literally fall in your pond or something? I'm very curious because I use my cameras outside quite frequently. My other camera held up quite well to rain and snow. Now, I'll be nervous about going outside with it if it's drizzling or anything.

I should have my DX back in a few weeks. The shutter was sticking. I don't take a ton of photos but I do take my fair share. I am going through camera withdrawal right now.

Thanks for the link, I just read it. Now I KNOW I am in over my head.

It looks like there is an error in the manual regarding the use of the macro. That might be part of your problem.
No, my camera did not fall into the pond and I can't believe that it had that much moisture in it. But evidently it did because they sent us the photos of the computer insides. I know that moisture is deadly to digital cameras, but I really, really liked that camera. I bought it because it had the stongest true zoom on the market at that time, among other things. It just kills me because my husband ruined another digital camera this year by flipping his kayak over in Puget Sound and dumping the camera in the water. The only thing I can figure is that I had accidently left it outside one night and there was a lot of moisture on the grass the next morning. No rain, but a humid night. But it was at my party this summer that it really started going bad.
It did have so many dodads that the learning curve was a bit steep getting used to using it.
I'm paranoid about moisture now.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think we're spending ours out on the boat. We'll probably freeze.

I took me a while to find this. Rereading this thread reminds me that I have a brand new camera in a box that I need to sit down and bond with one of these days.

Phil, I sprayed them. I particularly like the dragonfly plant brackets. Here they are-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Here's a close up of the detail on the dragonflies. They need another coat.

Thumbnail by Equilibrium


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