What do I do now?

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

I am moving at the end of the month and wanted to take my lilies with me. I've dug them up, now what do I do?

Thumbnail by got2Bgreen
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Shouldn't you plant them in Mendy's yard for safe keeping? >:)

Just kidding ~ Clean all the soil off. Get some peat and dampen it. It should feel moist but not wet. Use a generous amount so that all bulbs are covered, place in a plastic bag (remove most of the air) and store in the fridge. Turn them over once in a while as condensation collects on the top portion of the bag.

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

I'm sure Mendy would like that.....

What do I do with the stems that are still attached to the bulbs?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

They may come loose by the time you're ready to plant them. I like to leave them on if they're still firmly attached so I know where to expect them next year. Ready made 'lily markers'.

Best wishes for your move!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

If you're just moving at the end of the month, I would just store them in a heavy paperbag in the garage. We keep our refrigerator really cold & the defroster dries out my bulbs.

Drop them right into the ground at your new home--it's the perfect time to plant them!

Old Lyme, CT(Zone 6a)

Do you know where you want to plant them at your new home? If not, I would pot them and plant the pot in the ground until spring and then plantt them. Last January I received a shipment of bulbs and had to store them in the crispers. That worked well too.

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

I'm not sure where I want them but I'll figure it out quickly once I am out there. We should close on Monday or Tuesday. I am sooooo exicited - 4 acres - 4 whole acres..!!!!

Myrtle Beach, SC

Congrats !!!!! wow 4 acres of anything you want ??? Wheeeeee, lucky you. We might just have to help you !!!
God bless, Margo

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

4 acres ~ I don't know what I'd do with myself. Wow....congratulations!

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

2 acres are pasture - so we will probably get a steer or sheep or something.... The rest is all mine.... I am interested in Dahlias, Daylillies, and just about anything else....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Congrats got2!! I just did the same thing. :) I potted all mine up. I have to also say, I only moved an hour away. LOL I also started digging and potting about a month before we closed. They'll be fine in bags of shredded paper, moss, etc. Make it easy on yourself says the nut that has moved more plants than clothes and home goods and did it before them too. LOL

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hmmm...I thought my ears were burnin'. I see I'm gonna have to check up on you more often sweet sister of mine! LOL

I like Moby's first suggestion the best! And what do you mean

2 acres are pasture....The rest is all mine

What about the piece you promised me for my DL seedlings? (Little sisters can be such a pain, can't they?! ;-)

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

mgh - "All mine" to dicide the fate of. I've already decided part of it is for your DLs. You just have to come help me tear out grass......Weeeeeeeeee!!!!

Badseed - I'm still digging - my dahlias are all out but I need to wash, divide and store them. I've taken cuttings from all of my roses - I think they are actually going to live - I'm so exited - I've never taken rose cuttings before!!! Still have to get my Elephant ears, peonys, cannas and callas, azalea, .......TOO MUCH to DO!!!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh boy, grass to remove?! I'm there! LOL

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

You crazy girl.....

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

That's me! Hey you must not be workin too hard......gonna give ya a buzz.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Sounds like paradise--room for orchards and to just stroll.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Whoops! I lost this thread.

I am still running back and forth to the other house and reorganizing what is left of the gardens for the sale of the house. I had to take out my crazy beds and put in nice anal retentive gardens. :) Funny, I never purchased nice landscape bricks for my gardens and am now just to make it look all nice and kempt and organized. Gag! Truly not my style but I think it will go a long way for the curb appeal. LOL Neighbors stop when they see me and tell me how naked the yard looks and how much they will miss my array of colorful blooms. I'll take that as a compliment since most people referred to me as the crazy plant lady. Hey, hard work is good for the soul!

Even with the crust of ice on the top of the soil, the ground beneath is still soft and moist and I am able to move plants around into tidy little rows or groups. Have I said "Ewwwww" yet? I think it looks nice but it's just not me. LOL It seems like every time I run to the other house, I bring home divisions of this or that. I was not going to bring some stuff but there is just so much of it! I have tossed a lot, reorganized a bunch, replanted many...........I'll be glad to sell that house and concentrate my time and money at my new house!

My first big spring projects are going to be to put in fruiting plants and a big fat veggie garden. My eldest wants an aspargus patch and I already told her she would be waiting a few years to eat it. I have two big expensive tasks on my list of things to do and they of course have to wait for sale of the other house too. I need fencing so I can get some critters and I also need a whopping big commercial greenhouse. :)

And dear Mendy, if she doesn't give you that daylily space, send them to me. I'll try to remember they are yours and give them back. (evil grin)

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

LOL Chele! Oh, I'm sure you would "try" to remember they are mine! ;-) Well, I think she already has the space planned out for me, so I'm in luck there. Goin' out there today to take her to lunch, so I'll see where my babies will be growing up too.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

i have found that if you turn the grass upside down it composts in and keeps your soil level. works well for my beds. carol

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

Badseed - I've heard that once you put asparagus in you will always have asparagus - similar to chives....

The daylily space is gar-on-teeedd. We will just have to try that "turning it over thing". How long does that take to break down? Should I do it now if I want to plant next year?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Asparagus is a perennial plant. The problem is it takes a few years to establish and you want to have the dirt worked really well before you plant it. From what I have read, you might get a couple of shoots the first year or two but it takes it until the third year to really start putting out enough to do something with it. I am sure there are other opinions on that.

I would think if the dirt for the new daylily beds is workable, you would want to start right away. Every time you till something up, you are going to turn up weed seeds. That way you can turn it a time or two and maybe even cover it with plastic to cook the weeds.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I would turn the soil over now, it generally composts in one season.
have fun. dh won't give me any more of his lawn for beds. poor me

Corte Madera, CA

your opening photo just inspired me to dig some lilies today. now i have a better idea how to take care of my lilies this upcoming season.

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

Speaking of taking care of lilies - does anyone know how to root the scales that fell off of mine when I dug them up? I've heard you can break some of the scales off to get a lot more lilies quickly but how many can you break off?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I started about a lengthy description but figured this was better and you can bookmark it. :) http://www.lilybulb.com/propscale.html

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Michele, how do you have time to garden AND deal with your sixpack?? Superwoman? I'm barely able to get tree decorated, lights on the house & presents wrapped this year & both my daughters live elsewhere!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have no idea Wanda. LOL I skip laundry some days, skip cleaning other days. I'm a mess but I have some pretty flowers and cute kids. LOL

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Hi Chele, that comment above about the 'always have asparagus' is pretty true. Once it's established, it's kinda like dill, comes up everywhere in the garden. I didn't have a patch but my next door neighbor did and she was constantly hoeing out babies popping up everywhere. I also love asparagus but I go pick it in the road ditches around here, (gotta get 'em before the state sprays tho), don't have to tend a bed then. You do have to beat the die-hard pickers that know the location of every mature clump for miles around!!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Gee, do you mean you have time to clean ANY day, Superwoman? And your girls aren't just "cute"--they're GREAT!

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