Offer: Sarracenia seeds

Wauconda, IL

Momma is: Sarracenia Oreophila x Flava, Poppa was: a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home....

Pray tell... are you flaunting these seeds in front of the members here or are you offering to share what you collected?

Wauconda, IL

I'm trying to share the 10-12 seeds that I collected. I have neither the time, place, cat-freeness, or worshipful attitude required to grow these things from seed.

Lauren, if you get these seeds I want photos with detailed instructions on germinating them and growing them on. I tried seeds once, but was a failure. I have yet to try again, so teach on!

Pixy, I was just curious what she meant. I didn't ask for the seeds. Why don't you ask for the seeds.

Well, okay, then Lauren! :) I was just deferring to you! Dodecatheon, I'm not sure I would describe my attitude as 'worshipful', but 'admiring and attentive', yes. And I generally have patience. I would love to give your seeds a try, seeing as how I know I can start a thread asking about germination before I do anything to them. If you'd like to split them between people that's fine with me. And if I manage to do well with them, I'm happy to send some of the plants back to you to grow on.

Wauconda, IL

Hi Pixydish...

You're welcome to them, please send me your address. I have no idea on how to grow these things from seed. Maybe I'll get around to learning how to next year. If you get any of the fussy little darlings to grow, I'll gladly take one plant, but otherwise, don't worry about sending anything for them. April

Thank you , April. I'll dmail you my address. I hope I'm a good enough 'mother' to them that they won't fuss too much! I'll plan on following Lauren's advice on germination. And if they do well, I'll gladly send you some.

Eeek, get some more suggestions on germinating seed. That's my outdoor method. I have an indoor method that I use the vast majority of the time and there have got to be other people out there who have better ways to germinate seed than me.

Oh, okay Lauren. I'll ask Philcula or Wolf :) Guess I'll start a thread on it when I get the seed. You're just so deferential! LOL
Still waiting for balmy weather of some kind to come along so I can get that bog garden done. But I did convince my kid to do the digging for me. For a fee, of course.

Now how did Dodecatheon word her offer?

Iv'e got some seed to share. I missed nipping the flowers of a few plants. I won't be that careless next year ;)

Anyway I've got-

Momma is: Sarracenia purpurea (anthocyanin free), Poppa was: a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home.... seed asked for and being shipped Monday

Momma is: Sarracenia rubra subsp jonesii, Poppa was: a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home.... taken by our very own Pixie
Oddly enough, only 4-5 seeds of this.

Momma is: Sarracenia minor x ? (Melichamp/Gardner hybrid plant), Poppa was: a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home.... taken by our very own Pixie

Momma is: Sarracenia x excellens x ?, Poppa was: a rolling stone, wherever he laid his hat was his home.... seed asked for and being shipped Monday

Please, US residents only.

no ssed left from me

This message was edited Nov 15, 2005 7:43 AM

One small pack of seeds left if anyone is interested and one decent sized pack of Sarracenia seeds left if anyone is interested.

Geez! How did I miss this? I'm interested.

Geez, how did I forget to send out your seeds from almost 2 weeks ago? Your seeds will go out tomorrow morning. Cyber slap me next time I forget something like this. With cleaning up the house and cooking for Thanksgiving Dinner, I totally forgot. Sorry Pixie!

Uh, well, I'd be more likely to cyberslap you if I hadn't forgotten it myself. It's no problem at all, I assure you. I've had plenty to do around here with our unseasonably CRAZY weather! It was 24 degrees - that's fahrenheit, mind you - last night and they predict possible snow tonight. I am totally unaccustomed to this kind of intrusion on my fall routine! Anything that had a bit of green on it is gone now. If this keeps up, I will actually lose plants from the cold this winter. I know you feel my pain, zone 5a! If I sound like a whiner, it's because I am one.

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