Juniper ?

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a)

I have several least I *think* that's what they are. This time of year they get blueish-grey berries. At Christmas time I love to cut branches for wreath making and decorating. We've lived here since July of '96 and this year they are putting out the most berries ever...literally covered on some branches. Does this mean anything?? like really furry caterpillars are a sign of a harsh winter. Since living here they have never produced this many berries! The birds will definately be happy little campers. :-))

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

They can't predict the weather any better than we can. It simply means some promiscuous male juniper got lucky this year and found them under favorable pollination conditions. (Maybe he seduced them with gin!) Anyway, enjoy them!

Guy S.

Fountain, FL(Zone 8a) thats funny!!

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