? about drapes

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

We closed on the house yest (woohoooo) and I'm chomping at the bit to hang drapes and make it a home.

I've been to Home Depot, Lowes, Target, WalMart, Pennys, Sears and all stores in between looking for what I'm looking for, lol. The only place i found something that i remotely liked was at Lowes, but i was too cheap to buy them. The ones i found were WAY out of my budget. DH said I'm being silly and just buy them. Like he pointed out, I'll drive around for a week, burn $100 in gas and go back and buy the ones i orginally looked at, lol.

Has anyone had any luck buying drapes online? Favorite sites? I've been looking online also, just seem to be having hard time there also.
I need drapes for the living room, door panels for the formal dining room, in the kitchen i need a set of curtains, two door panels and a valance. I'd like to find a site that i can just click and buy them all at once, lol.
I never knew buying curtains could be such a pain. I'm ready to hang sheets and call it a day, lol

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