Target stores have sarracinea

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Lauren suggested I post this here...

This is a sarracinea I picked up at Target for $10

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX

That is a great plant for $10! Good for you!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Lauren!

I was reading in a book how to garden with boggy plants if you don't have a bog...(which I don't...)

It suggested completely burrying a sink liner tub, or something similar, with just a few tiny holes in the bottom, and then filling with soil and bog plant. You wouldn't see the liner, but it would help retain more water in that spot, but still have a teeny bit of drainage...

Do you think this will work?

Where do you have yours planted?(the ones you posted a picture of about seed packets). Is it near a leaky faucet, or is it in a real bog area?

I keep hearing about Target and these CP! So WHY doesn't my Target have them? I may have to put pressure on them! Those are lovely. Did they have a label?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

There were two kinds, but the labels all said 'cobra lily'. I knew that wasn't right...

It really surprised me that they had them, and at first I didn't think they were real. I thought they were silk.

In fact, I "handled them" just to see for sure. I was really anticipating silk, and was shocked when I realized they were real.

They had at least a dozen of each of them.

The other one they had, looked like a cobra liliy, but they were missing the "forked tongue, or hissing part"...they looked a little different than the hissing ones, like the teeny unhealthy ones that Lowes carries...

Hey Taylor, anything works that is plastic. I recessed a round kiddie pool in the ground and it worked. I've recessed 175 gallon and 300 gallon stock tanks in the ground and they work. I went to Farm and Fleet and bought 15 and 30 gallon pig slop troughs and those worked. I also recessed a patio planter in the ground that was about 15 gallons and that worked. I suppose idealistically the way to go is with .045 epdm pond liner but you know something, anything works. I'm working on finishing up a 2000+ gallon bog and I'm using .060 roofing liner by Firestone. I've helped a friend make a 1000+ gallon bog using an old swimming pool liner. I don't think the swimming pool liner was the best choice but it was free and it worked with some old carpeting underneath it as padding.

I've seen people make above ground bogs out of whiskey barrels with those black plastic inserts and I've also seen people make above ground bogs using the drums that food comes in from restaurants.

I am thinking anything goes. I don't think you need to poke holes in any of these liners either, I never have but maybe others who have will comment. Sadly, I don't think an above ground bog is going to the greatest for any CPs being grown in zone 7 or cooler unless one plans on hauling the entire thing in for the winter lest it freeze solid.

Hey Pixy, I learned that the only Targets that had the plants were those that had floral departments. Bummer isn't it since not all have floral departments.

Ooops, forgot to mention that the Sarr looks like it might be S.'Judith Hindle'. That's no Cobra Lily!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, Lauren...sounds like you've pretty much done the "sinking the liner" thing, but on a much larger scale!

I think I'll definitely try it. I don't want it to grow itself to death in the misty bathroom, like you said it might...

Anything that can grow outside, is certainly welcome there! Outside is always my first choice. Inside is always my second...

Funny you'd say that because my Target doesn't have a floral department. Just a little tiny plant area. Do they call that a floral department??!!

It isn't even a super Target, ...just regular...

I can pick one up for you, if you want? You'd just have to reimburse me, and pay shipping...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

my only concern about it being outside is the summertime...we get SO hot, and SO dry, I may have to lift the tub, and replant it in the bathroom,
...just for the summers...

We just don't have ANY humidity in all just evaporates away so quickly in our heat...

Tee he, that tiny little plant area IS their floral department. Many Targets don't even have that. I had to call around for a few days to be able to find one store that had a "floral Department" and by the time I got there to take a look, the plants were toast. Shame because they looked as if they had been every bit as big as what you bought at your Target.

I don't know what to say about your lack of humidity in summer other than that trays will probably work. The water from trays should theoretically increase the relative humidity around the plants. I know of people who grow CPs in Arizona so it has to be doable. We had a horrible drought here again this summer. I moved some of my plants into areas where they would only get morning and early afternoon sun. I also put up some screens to protect others. The water trays did work. I bought huge square plastic trays (cheap) that are used underneath washing machines presumably to catch accidental discharge, placed the potted plants in them, and just kept them filled. The trays are about 3.5" high I think. Other potted plants had individual drip trays and I kept those filled. There were quite a few days that I had to fill the trays twice a day but this area is brutal in summer. The bogs were considerably easier to maintain. I sunk 4" pvc down into them and watered from those access holes. Other bogs have underground piping to them where water from my sump pump pits drain and yet other bogs have piping trenched underground from a rain gutter. These did not help this summer as we went without rain for an abnormally long period of time.

Not much you can do when it doesn't rain other than to haul water over.

Thanks so much, Seedpicker, for the offer! I actually went by my Target on the way home from work tonight to see if they had them. We do have a plant dept, just one aisle. I noticed they were clearancing out all the plants in the department, so I asked if they were getting ready for a new shipment. The manager said they were, and likely next week. Then I confirmed that all the Targets in the land get the same merchandise and she said they did, so I'll just keep checking.We're on the West Coast, so maybe we get stuff later than you do. I might have to call them every single day to make sure I don't miss out!
One of my projects for this year is to build a small bog area for my hardy CPs close to the pond. I was thinking since this is a fairly new forum maybe I should record the building of it in a thread here, and that way I can make sure I'm doing it right, too. I'm not sure if I want to use a liner or just sink a little pond container in the ground yet. Depends on what I scrounge up. I have a three sarracenias, a cobra lily, and a sundew that I think can go into an outdoor bog. Maybe more. Plus I'm still counting on the great deal at Target!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd love to see the step-by-step (in pictures) progress of your new bog. I will watch and learn!

This isn't my first carnivirous plant, but it is certainly the first one that I think I can keep alive.

I really think more people would have them, if they just knew how to take care of them...
And, thanks to Lauren, I'm learning!

Lauren learned from philcula ;)

I'd love to see a step by step too! I'll sit back in my chair here in front of the monitor and watch as you dig and dig and dig. Digging the actual hole is the worst.

Yeah, well I learned a lot about digging when I built the pond. I'm going to try to start it this weekend so watch for the thread. I'll expect to be coached from your chair, Lauren.

Oh yes dear.... I'll coach. You just let me know when you're ready to start honey and I'll go gather up Dodecatheon and we'll sit here together in front of my computer and post good wishes while we sip wine or something and eat cheese and crackers. We'll be with you in spirit. He he he he he he he...

Dig to a depth of at least 18" preferably 2". Don't make it so wide that you can't weed in there from your knees at the edge. This isn't a pond so no need to go down 3.5 - 4'.

I hate digging. It's back breaking work.

Well, I am totally out of luck regarding the great deal at Target. I called all the Targets in my area and they all had the plants - for one day! They all sold out the first day and won't get more. Unbelieveable! Except we're in a large metropolitan area with a huge population and things frequently sell out. I am not much of a shopper anymore, so that's that.
If the offer to pick one up for me is still good, Seedpicker, I'd like to take you up on it. If you can get one of each that would be great. You could likely fit two of those pots in a flat rate box for priority mail. Or by removing some soil they may fit in one of the other boxes and come in at well under two pounds. Either way, I'll reimburse you, of course. If they're sold out in your area too, it just wasn't meant to be!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, Pixy...I'll try to get by there and check it out...

Sorry you couldn't find one, but maybe there is still hope!

I'll post after I can get by there

Thanks, seedpicker. But if it's far from you, please don't worry about it! I can always order from online to get other CPs.

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