Jacarada trees

Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi all, I want to place jacaranda trees along the sides of my drive up to my house from the road. The road is approximately 300 ft from the house. I have seen that some of these trees in California and Georgia can reach heights of 40 ft and span 30 ft wide. The few I have seen in South Carolina where I am planting them are so much shorter and not as wide but the trunks give the appearance of 15+ years of age. Are there more then one species of this tree and what are all your opinions on doing this with such a messy tree.

Thanks, Casey

Also, has anyone tried to plant these from seed and had success? I have some pods that have seeds but unsure of the process to germinate. Want to be sure this is what I want before looking into how to do do that unless it is a very complex process.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I have grown them from seed. They sprout readily if they are lightly scratched to permit moisture to enter through the seed coat. But they are tender and might not survive your winters (?)

I would not plant a row of any tree species along my drive, nor anywhere else. Trees are living, growing, dying organisms, and as soon as one departs this world you have an obvious hole in the landscape where a tree should be. Consider planting informal groupings of mixed species instead, so that you have better seasonal variation and so that if one disappears the resulting void does not destroy the symmetry of your planting.

Guy S.

Russell, KY(Zone 6b)

I am not sure how they act in your climate, but in South Florida these trees are attractive only for a couple of weeks a year. The rest of the time they are messy and often barren looking.

They can be pruned to keep the size down but as they are enormous trees the cost of doing this a couple of times a year would be prohibitive. Plus they tend to grow huge vertical shoots (we call 'em waterspouts) that spoil their shape.

They are lovely in bloom, but IMO better suited as a specimen tree seen at a distance- not right up and personal as with a driveway.

I do not mean to be negative- I just think that there are many other species of trees that would be beautiful 100% of the year- bringing you joy every time you drive by them.

Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

Cearbhaill and Starhill,

Thank you both. I guess I should have said starhill that I wanted them to go up the drive in a natural style setting. Although I think lining the drive or a street with trees in quite beautiful I think it is a little formal for the type of home and setting I want. I am still not quite sure of the wording I want but it would be in a very informal display that would help set off where the drive is to the house.
A few other people and companies that I asked the question to sent me a couple pictures from within the year of the trees. I see what you mean about the waterspout discription and the lack of density of leaves after the blooming period. Also I was informed that the blooms can stain a paint job if the blooms lay for just a short while. And the stain can transfer from the bottom of shoes to the carpet if the distance from the blooms and house is short.
So although I think these are such beautiful trees while in bloom which is the only way I had seen them up till now, I don't believe I will be getting more then 1 or 2, and those will be set further away from contact.

Thank you both for you help, now to find some trees that will offer a beautiful showing to set off the beginning of spring, nice foliage during the summer, maybe a changing of leaf color in the fall to show that changing. I will also be getting a few evergreeens so the area wont be quite so baron in the winter.


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