Free offer from Starbucks Coffee

Lorain, OH(Zone 5b)

Starbucks will save thier coffee grounds for registared gardeners, each one does it differently. The one by my husbands work puts the 5 gallon buckets with lids, that we had to provide out by the back door at the end of the day, he works till 9:PM so it works out well, plus we are the only ones that participate at that location, he just grabs the full buckets and leaves clean ones on his way home, if we do not leave clean buckets they know that we can not pick-up the next day. The one by my work has 7 other gardeners participateing and a waiting list; so I have to go inside to get mine on Wednesdays after 5:PM only, same deal I have to provide the 5 gallon buckets with lids, if the Tuesday gardener doesn't pick-up then I have the option of taking his in a garbage bag, miss 2 weeks then you go back to the bottem of the waiting list. The Amy Joy Donuts shop by me will do this too. I have done this for a couple weeks out of each summer for the last 3 years, my Azeleas and shrubs look great, they do not bend with the weight of snow as easily as my neighbors do, and I do not have spider mites like everyone else. The coffee grounds make a nice dark mulch and smell slightly like coffee brewing if it rains the day after you put them down.

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