Delphiniiums: English vs. Pacific

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi. I read an article online today about Alaskan gardening. It said that what we Americans call Delphinium are actually Pacific Coast Delphinium, and that English Delphinium (grown in Alaska) have more flowers, more intense colors, and stronger stems. Anyone have any experience/thoughts on this? I heard years ago that delphimiums were very hard to grow, so I never tried. Then about 7-8 years ago, I planted a electric blue butterfly dwarf [are those words in the right order?] in a pot on the patio. I've never fertilized it or divided it, and I still like it, so much so that I want more!

xxx Carrie

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

The big, beautiful Pacific Giants and other showy hybrids (I think the English types are like this to) don't like hot, humid summers, so are'nt an option for me here. I did have success with Delphinium grandiflorum 'Summer Nights' which I believe is similar to what you grew. The catalog I ordered them from said they were more tolerant of hot weather than others and proved to be true.

Weezingreens grows delphinium in Alaska, so you may want to dmail her about what varieties she grows. But I'd say base what you choose to grow on how hot and humid your summers are.

Good luck, Neal.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

There is a new strain of delphs from New Zealand called the New Millennium Strain that is syupposed to be much easier to grow, and more tolerant of heat and humidity. I have had good luck with them here, where I did not with the Pacific Coast Hybrids. Although we don't have the humidity we have very hot summers, especially this year, and they did well. They can be purchased locally, but check out this website . I love that new Alicia, but haven't seen that here yet. Polly

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow! You're telling me you haven't yet sent your check, MO or credit card info to NEW ZEALAND???? Can't say as I blame you. Thanks for your info!
xxx Carrie

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Carrie, what? I was just hoping you or Neal might look at the website to see how pretty these new hybrids are. They are available here in the US. I think it would probably be OK to purchase from them, but I really don't see the need unless you wanted seeds. I don't know if seeds are available here. However Dowdeswell's Delphiniums is a well known business, and the wholesalers I purchase from get their product there. Polly

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I did look at the website; they ARE gorgeous. I understood they were for sale from NZ - did I not read it carefully enough? I see pix of people growing them in the US. I think I didn't read it carefully enough. I did download some gorgeous wallpaper!

xxx Carrie

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, we grow lovely delphinium here. I have had good experiences with Pacific Hybrids, the tall fellows, and Magic Fountain, the shorter type. Both are old varieties. It seems I've grown some of the Elatums... the Camelot series, but not long enough to have an opinion.

I am certainly no expert on delphies, but it seems to me that larkspur are often lumped in with delphinium. Larkspur are annuals, look much like delphies, but originate in S.E. Europe. They might be an acceptable option for warmer, humid climes. These larkspur are in the Consolida genus.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Carrie, they definitely are for sale here in the US. Polly :)

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, everybody--

I have been lusting after the delphs in the garden magazines, too, but have never been very sucessful growing them...I did find a couple of websites/articles that may be of interest to those who have questions about "which for what growing environment", and I am definitely going to 'test' the NZ hybrids and the Tall Larkspurs next spring... See what you think...

The New Zealand delphiniums will be available again in spring from Graceful Gardens, too...(among other varieties)...

And Munchkin Nursery has an interesting article about Delphinium Exaltatum, Tall Larkspur, native to Ohio, Indiana areas and points south from there. Although classed as a larkspur, perhaps it would satisfy those of us in hot humid climates.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wow, Tabasco, I love the Graceful Gardens site, and am looking forward to receiving their catalog. Maybe I'll wrap it up and stick it under the tree! : ) What beautiful blues! I liked their blurb about cottage gardens, too.

xxx Carrie

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Hello to all interested in delphiniums. If you would like a Delphinium Forum, please go to this post and post a reply requesting such a forum.


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