Wanted : Iris seeds for newbie in Australia

Woodvale, Perth, Australia(Zone 7a)


I'm having a hard time in Australia sourcing some of the different iris's and I was wondering if anybody would be prepared to send some seed to Australia (I can do paypal for costs etc). I don't seem to be able to find anything but the plain yellow and purple siberica (which I started from seed from the US) -and I know there are a lot more available.

do like the unusual - so anything that you have that might be considered a bit different I'd probably be interested in.

I have the normal walking iris- but you guys seem to get a yellow one as well (that I would love to have!). Apart from that - I love the candy lilies - we can't get seed or plants over here. I've managed to source belamcanda chinesis in orange and pink - but yellow is also relatively unknown over here.

If anyone could help me out I'd be really greatful.

Thanks in advance


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Better check with your ag people first. They have a list of allowable iris seed that may be be sent to Oz. I've had iris seed destroyed because it wasn't on the list of iris allowed into the country.


Woodvale, Perth, Australia(Zone 7a)


I know that belamcanda and pardancanda are both OK.

the Western Australian Quartine restrictions are only on (for species name of form iris xxxxx):
Iris douglasiana
Iris lutescens
Iris missouriensis
Iris pseudacorus (apparently they are all quarantined weeds!)

I have the list stored on my desktop (its a huge thing - nearly 1MB in size, I think we must have the largest set of restrictions!) So I can check in a glance what is and isn't allowed.

As long as seed is clearly marked with the correct botanical name (and the import list says "OK" , they don't have a problem coming in. if however they are just sent as "seeds" then quarantine stops and destroys them. (past experience speaking here) Doesn't matter if you ring them and say - its "X" if its not marked - its gone.

They did initially stop the pardancanda, however on inspection it was passed as "non invasive". So its now joined the "OK to import" list.

Hope that makes it a bit clearer.

Thanks again


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

you have a great source for iris there at home
Barry Blyth
PO,Box 1109,Peacedale,Vic 3912 Austrailia
also for la.
Bearnard and Heather Pryor,
5 Coolabah Ave,
Turramurra NSW 2074.Australia

both have iris catalogs

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

And Peter Jackson as well.

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