BBBBRRRRR!! Winter is here!

Soldotna, AK(Zone 6a)

I actually posted this in the wrong place, sorry all, I'm still learning my way around here ;o)
BBBBRRRRR!! I am told it will get colder before the snow comes!

Cloudy High: 33°
Low: 17°

The lake is frozen already, happened nearly over night! Yeah, I think I will take heed in the future that when its time to take things in for the winter ITS TIME! I don't think there will be a second chance here!

Thumbnail by PolarIce_AK
Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Polarice (love your name!) welcome to the thread where the weather geeks hang out!

That picture makes chills run up my spine.....somehow a hurricane now and then doesn't seem so bad! LOL

Just another day in Paradise here!!

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

I guess I just thought I was cold the other day - down in the 40s! Almost got the shivers just looking at that.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Laughed at your "When it's time to take things in, IT'S TIME" note.

Our 'shower' has turned into a down right rain here in desert country and that pic just made me glad I don't live in snow country anymore. Luck to you in the coming cold times. more pics anytime. Great to add another to our weather junkies. ~Blooms

Soldotna, AK(Zone 6a)

The photo above is of the lake where we are renting. At this time I only have a few photos of the property we are buying in Soldotna, AK. (I was REALLY hoping we'd be moving this week-end) but we are set back yet another week! There will most likely be snow on the ground by then and I will have to wait till spring to do some of the things I wanted to do. Oh well there is still alot I can do!

I guess you can only attach one photo per posting. I will add 3 photos. This first one is of the lake. (BTW these were taken in September, cloudy with a few rain showers) I am a long ways from being a photographer, but you can get the idea anyway. The lake is about 1/2 acre, it is a natural lake and is totaly on our property.

Thumbnail by PolarIce_AK
Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Very nice! Would suggest you don't show too many pictures of this beautiful area!! You may have a few more visitors next summer than you really want. LOL Dotti

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Polarice, this lovely area is your new property? Wow! Gorgeous. Nevermind what Dotti sez, post lots of pictures... Maybe we'll all show up for a roundup. Tha'd be fun. Right? ~Blooms

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Sheeshhhh. I'm sure sorry that you live in such an ugly place. ;^)

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