P. Lutea Flower and ripe fruit;)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

This lil guy almost didn't make the cut until I saw some fruit, that gave itr a stay of execution for awhile;)
1st. off, look at this tiny flower. It has to be the smallest fruit of them all.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Now this fruit starts off so small and green. Then It caught my eye today and here it is, I assume the color change means its mature? I'm afraid to let it hang much longer as there were 2 pieces, 1 is MIA.
There are quite a few other pieces of tiny fruit I'll take pics of as time passes.
Take a look at this mini, I find it hard to take seriously;) LOL
Thanks, JD

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I have these growing wild at my house. Very invasive here. Constantly fruiting. I can't weed them fast enough.

Calvert County, MD(Zone 7a)

well, budgielover... would you mind taking me a cutting or saving a few seeds? I might have something to trade. I don't think it would be invasive this far north but even so, I'd grow it indoors. I'm interested to see if it will cross with P. suberosa (if my vine ever flowers)


PS: Any hints on getting Lady Margaret passies to bloom

This message was edited Oct 26, 2005 5:35 AM

Wichita, KS

How tiny!
Thanks for sharing your pics :-)

Oh, No...another Passi to add to the wish list. LOL

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

My little vine has a bunch of fruit on it and I'll be collecting it for trades and the like. I think I'll take some cuttings off it too, I'm curious if this 1 roots easily.
So if you'd like some seeds, put me on your trade list. I also have a bunch of P. Incarnata seeds to trade. Don't worry as I'll have PLENTY to go around. I have literally bushells of fruit out there as my vines are enormous.
I can't wait to see the insides of P. lutea fruit, those seeds must be so tiny. it sounds like a pain in the rear end to me;). Tis the jof of gardening! LOL

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Zem,
You can have some for postage whenever you want.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

WOW Budgie. How cool it must be to have such plants being capable of becoming pest like. I have only 2 plants that grow like that, then winter shuts them down until spring. 1 is P. Incarnata and the other is My Grandmother's wild spearmint. We've let the Passion flower go where ever it wants so far, we try to keep the mint down to a 6x6foot square. It's a good thing those 2 smell so good or they'd be dead;). The passion flower completely hides almost 50 foot of chainlink fence and when the wind blows through it, it's heavenly. The mint is much the same. My G'ma passed many years ago and she had this spearmint growing in her front yard all my life. Whenever the dogs stir it up or we prune it, it's over powering scent brings a huge smile to my face and I'm flooded with memories.
I'm so envious of you Southern gardener's and your never ending gardening season. Over the last week, we've been running around like chicken's with our heads cut off trying to decide what plants come inside to live through winter and which we will have to let die. I have a huge 1000 watt growlamp in our bedroom and a few dozen plants under it. My poor wife has to crawl out of the foot of the bed now as the side is crammed full of plants. LOL It is nice having this growlamp set up, it keeps the winter blah's to a minimum. It's great to feel the light on your skin and it's bright enough to keep most plants blooming all winter. My silly dogs even lay under it when the sun isn't out.
We've made it a point to dig up plants from our passed loved one's homes or pick up 1-2 plants left over from a funeral. I have so many plants that are named after them and it's nice having "them" around to talk to on occasion;)
Sadly, the plant number's are growing faster and faster and the Xmas card list is shorter and shorter.
Just today we're going to dig up a peonie from my wife's G'ma's house. Cancer snuck up out of nowhere and there is nothing left to do but help administer morphine and try to help her smile.
Tis the circle of life.;)
Well back to the yard, I've decided I have a little more room for a couple more brugs. LOL
Have a great weekend everyone!

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