Questions about international trading.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I recieved a request for some yellow flag iris from a member in Malaysia and have a couple of questions. I think a small box will accomodate 3 rhizomes well and should be quite light weight. Any estimates of what any of you think the cost would be? Keep meaning to call the post office, but can't remember while they're open. I'm also wondering about yellow flag iris in a tropical area. Could it be invasive or problematic? Wondering about how I should sanitize the rhizomes to make sure there's no hidden spore of something. The plants are healthy, so maybe I'm just environmentally paranoid! LOL. Thanks for any ideas, Neal.

"maybe I'm just environmentally paranoid"

Not at all it's a valid consideration. I would suggest that you ro the person you are trading with finds out what the Malaysian governments plant health/agricultural department will allow into the country. It could be on their restricted or prohibited lists. I'd also suggest a few searches to see if this Iris grows in Malaysia and if it does, is it or thought to be invasive there.

When sending plants clean off all soil and dip into a fungicide, check very closely for any pests and diseases or signs that pests or diseases may be present.

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

I had the very same request, I have offered seeds though, the other thing is since it needs a winter dormancy here, will it be able to grow with success there. I told him about that and about the invasive caracter of this plant which we see more and more along water courses here in Quebec (Canada). This does not seem to bother but you had an excellent suggestion about asking the Malaysian governments plant health/agricultural department.


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