Christmas swap

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I am planing a christmas swap-this is for seeds,for bulbs,for handmade items,things that would survive being in mail a week or 2-maybe jellies,homemade soaps,lavender gifts,christmas items to decorate home with.etc it can be bought items or handmade.
Sign ups taken here
Then email me your name:addy:Dg name:phone number:
Rules are seeds -put in what you take out,same for bulbs
if you take a gift out exchange it.Have to send out in 3days
priorty mail dc and if you dont want to pay for shipping a flat rate box please dont sign up.thanks Robin

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

woo-hoo, sign me up!

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Tiffanya is #1.welcome thanks for signing up got all your infomation
Thanks Robin

Me, too! I keep missing out on them! DMailing you now...

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Raingazer is #2.thanks for joining got your information Robin

This message was edited Oct 25, 2005 7:56 AM

count me in!!!!!

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Sheran send me your info plus your phone number you will be added as # 3 thanks robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

We have 4 with sheran and my self any more takers would be nice to have 10 -more would be welcomed
sheran need your info thanks robin

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

im here and ready

This message was edited Nov 1, 2005 9:55 AM

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

tazzy send me your information i can add you welcome robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

need some more people 5 to start robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Sheran is all set tazzy send me your info
I went shopping for this holiday swap.found some nice things i will make gifts for swap as well come on everyone we need 10 to start robin

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

me me me please!!


Bossier City, LA(Zone 8b)

Sending info to you now.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

woofens your all set
zzsandman your all set
and tazzy your all set we now have 7 .welcome to christmas swap robin

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

I would like to do this too. Haven't done one before, so will need a little hand holding, but sure I will be fine.
will d-mail info

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Susan your all set welcome aboard robin will will help in any way

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd like to be #9! I've sent you my info through D-mail.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Garirty your all set ! welcome Robin

Arlington, GA(Zone 8a)

OOOOHHhh over here in the south please.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Need your phone number and your number 10 and welcome Robin

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

sign me up too!!! Sounds like fun!!

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Are doing my hand made items now.But i did shop already got some great things so ideas you could put in are:
Handmade items-soaps,cookies,potporri,
handmade dollies,scares,scrapbooking.
you can put gardening items-gloves,markers,etc.
Seeds are as follows-small seeds 1/4 new or from garden this year
seeds lg 1/2 tsp.
Bulbs full -not ones that have been or from your gardens
Recipes for holidays will be for you to copy:Or add your own!
new items can be -chocolates,oranments,handtowels

Home baked items-fudge would last!
Lavender items! if anone makes those.
Handmade dips-with out sour cream of course.

anyone have ideas please post for new members
Rules are to newbie's
You agree to send priorty mail-flat rate Dc is del confirmation.
You have 3 days to send no later

If you take one one package of seeds you add one take out 5 add 5.take out bulbs replace in seprate package same amount.
If you take Out a gift replace -with a gift.

any questions email me robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

got a question?Is it allowed for non subscribers to enter in RR's?I got a dmail should I say No as your not a subscriber?

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

I don't know what the rule really is, but I would think you should be a subscriber for RR's. Just my opinion. Will go with what everyone else says.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I agree susan.I told this person thats how it should be thanks for input robin

Bossier City, LA(Zone 8b)

Any idea when we will start? I always did have a problem as a kid waiting for christmas to get my goodies. lol


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b) too!! I could never fall asleep the night before. Same thing happened the night before we went away on vacation.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

This will be starting soon.I will post as i can I have been making things for swap and getting it all together I would like this to be a great swap for all my takers.Robin

Bossier City, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Robin, I appreciate your efforts. I was not trying to be rude. Just having a little fun. Christmas is the most fun time to be depressed each year. :-)~

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

It is fine ,i know it can get alot down for sure this i hope will brighten things up I have been so very busy I want this to be special robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Im going to finish this up over weekend and get this turkey flying will post flight path for the bird later tonight or morning thanks for joining
It twill have seeds bulbs handmade gifts and new gifts
please do the following/.no used gifts thanks

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

tell me who starts it ? do we send all the gifts to you and then you start ?

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I start it it leaves monday! with a route it goes to
It has to be sent priorty mail DC it is a flat rate box
has to be sent out in 3 days it gives someone some time to send
out. If you take out a gift you replace with homemade or new-no used
seeds are same if you take out 1 replace with 1 if you take out 2 etc.. bulbs if you take out a package you replace a package.
You send to next on list list will be in post here when you get the box and send the box only del conf
if you would like in the RR swap please send your name address dg name and phone number to me asap this is almost ready to roll- thanks robin

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

So where is the list ? or is that a secret ?..never done a RR before,

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Is it to late to join in?

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Bridgette I have list you email me your info when I start rr monday
I will post a flight path for it
who it goes to and so on
2 pug dogs please read all this post
you must agree to terms above if you already read it and understand it me your infomation.Informatiopn will only be accept till 12:00 pm and list of who is on and and where it is going will be posted.This rr -christmas swap turkey will fly to each and every member who has signed up and sent me there infomation thanks robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

This is closed! flight path will be posted tommorrow Morning getting ready for mondays shipping thanks to all who has signed up there are alot nice things in the box.Robin

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

If you would both like to join please email me your addys and infomation stated above i need it this morning thanks i am finalizing the box

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

1.Anitabryk2 ,NY Received-11/11/05 sent 11/12/05
2.Woofens,OH -Received 11/16/05 sent 11/21/05
3.garityann,VA Received 11/23/05 sent 11/28/05
4.RainGazer ,TN
9..tiffanya, WA
11.Home -maineroses,me

Rules are as follows
this leave in the morning-is shipped priorty with dc
I will post dc tommorrow afternoon to Anitabryk2 ,NY
when you get the box-please post you got it
you have 3 days to send send priorty flat rate with dc
put back what you take out! examples:
you take out a gift put back a gift-some are marked with a value
like 12.00 put something of value back in there/
if you dont have some thing of value of 12.00 put 2 -6.00 items
this is for handmade or new no used!
also seeds 1/4 small seeds new or from garden this year 2005
large seeds 1/2 tsp.
Bulbs -no not brake into bulbs and take any out if you want package replace with same.meaning any bulbs big or any small.
If you take out 5 packages of seeds can not replace bulbs with seeds only bulbs.
Thank you all for playing in this RR dont not keep for more than 3 days.send right out if you can ,keep this going.please also post when you send out so other player knows to look for this.if your not going to be home please let me know i will notify next player and will will forword this back after list is over.
If anyone want to sign up it can be resent back out after it returns thanks all! Robin
Happy Holidays!

This message was edited Nov 7, 2005 7:05 PM

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