More newbie compost questions

Mendo. County, CA(Zone 8b)

We have a driven well and our water level is only about five feet from the surface. (And this is after a long, hot summer.) I'm wondering if we should NOT use compost within a certain distance of the well, because of leaching of "stuff" into the water. I wonder who would be the expert to ask about this?

Also, does compost keep well? If we purchase a large lot it is about half the price as a smaller amount. Can I just throw some plastic or something over it to protect it from winter rains and just use it over the next couple of years, or does all the benefit age out of it as time goes on?

Thank you for any insight you can provide!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

It would be better to put the compost directly where you want it when you get it. Its benefits do age out over time, as you say. As for the well, you will want to talk to your cooperative extension about that. I would not do the actual composting over the well, but I can't imagine a layer of compost 1" thick would do any harm, especially if it's "finished" compost.

If you do wish to "keep" compost, I'd put it on a tarp rather than onto the ground, and I'd cover it as well. good luck to you!

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

My veggie garden starts about 20 feet behind my well, and I use compost and organic fertilizer and haven't had any problems. My compost bin is at the far edge of the garden, maybe 60 feet from the well, and I haven't noticed any ill effects. I compost the wood chips and dropping from my chicken coops in the with the other leaves, weeds, kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, etc. and don't have any problems. I just totally avoid putting any chemicals (like ant killer) near the well just in case it seeps through the ground into the water.

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