black aphids

Eureka, CA

Hi all.... I've searched a bit but haven't found any posts regarding black aphids. I have a raised bed of "mixed" use. It has screening (hardware cloth) at the bottom of the bed, in an attempt to keep gophers from raiding it. It has a couple of artichoke plants, some dahlias, and it had some various annuals this last summer. The artichokes were plagued with what I guess were black aphids, and now that they are gone, the last of my dahlias are covered with them, especially right at the base of the flower. And where there are aphids, there are ants. I guess the ants like the aphids..... I know I can probably use an insecticidal soap or insecticide to get rid of them. I'm just wondering how common they might be? I'm wondering if I should do a major "purge" of all the plants in that bed so as to not re-infect everything next spring....

Any others notice such varmints?


Sanna in Eureka

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Sanna, aphids seem to like to gnaw on the stems of dahlias on occasion. They are easily controlled with a steady strong squirt of water to get them OFF, or a squishing with thumb and forefinger run up and down the stem/stalk. If they're really bad, you can use an insecticidal soap. See Carol's post and photo to turn your stomach, if you dare. EEWWW Carol!

I only had a couple little stems bothered this year, and not much damage done, but last season they were more prevalent early on, but seemed to die out after a good thrashing with either the hose or a 'stream' squirt from a spray bottle of water. I used to plant green pole beans in the dahlia patch to lure the aphids there instead of the flowers, but of course, there are only dahlias now : ) because who has room for beans?

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, the post Annie is talking about has a gross picture of the aphids on my dahlia. I used regular liquid soap and water and just sloshed it on the flowers. It actually helped and the aphids did disappear afterwards. I did have nasturtiums nearby and they had aphids on them. They always get them. So I ripped all of them out and I am not going to plant nast. near dahlias again.
At this time of the year, it isn't worth bothering with anything chemical wise, I think. But the soap and water does help.

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