How much would adding insulation to our attic save us?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

According to the home inspection we had done prior to buying our house in 1999, we have 2-3" of roll insulation (R-11) in our 1954 brick raised ranch house. He recommended back then that adding insulation would be a good idea. We have roughly 730sq' attic space to cover.

We never have done it, but with higher natural gas heating bills forecasted, we're looking into it. We're not sure what to go for as far as R-value. Recommendations at for our zip code say we should be insulated at a value of R-49. But the home inspector's form indicated we should bring it up to R-38.

We got energy saving replacement windows last fall and we're putting better weather stripping on our doors. Does anyone know how much adding extra insulation to our attic would save us?

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