Question about blooming trees

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

We have quite a few fruit trees here in our area blooming as I speak. There are tulip trees, crabapples, pear trees in full bloom. It is just so strange. Most of the trees were stripped of their leaves or were blown down or just broken off at the trunk (this was due to Rita). We were declared one of the disaster zones. It just looks odd to see a tree with no leaves on one side and blooms all over that side. Other trees have major damage with blooms on them. I just wondered if any other regions were affected and if this was because of Rita or something else. If anyone knows why this is happening could you please share your knowledge? Thanks, Jenny

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sometimes trees under alot of stress or in their last year of life throw off alot of blooms (their swan song bloom so to speak). They may have been tricked into doing this with the loss of leaves from the hurricane "thinking" they have to produce alot of seeds for future generations. I may be totally wrong on this but it is one possiblilty.

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

I posted this same question on another forum and someone from LaGrange TX said this happens in her area quite often and is normal. I have just never seen it here in East Texas. The stress factor that you posed seems more probable to me. Thanks for your input. Jenny

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