Inspirational round robin

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Calling all Europeans! I have joined in an "inspirational" round robin started by TM Bolin. The idea is to send seeds , poems, candles or anything else that we find inspirational. As this Robin is flying across the Atlantic to me, I wondered if anybody else over here would like to join in? If you're interested, go to the RR forum and look at the "Inspirational RR" thread. I think it sounds worthwhile and fun too.
Maggi xxxx

I've just read it but I'm not entirely sure what counts as inspirational or if the packet will be so heavy ith things other than seeds that the postage costs could be prohibitive.

As an aside and in answer to your comment on the RR forum, I hosted a 'continuous' EU RR here for two years, can't remember whether it was two or three times each year but with the decline in the usage of the forum, the fact we're a small group and suffering a postage/missing parcel problem put paid to it in the end.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Oh what a shame Baa; I'd love to take part in a European RR. I'd even thought about starting one, but from what you say, it's not a good idea...
BTW, I think what you can include in this RR is whatever inspires you - part of the fun is seeing what other people find inspirational.
I must agree with you that I too am hoping that nobody is inspired by anything very heavy!
Maggi xxxx

There's no reason not to suggest another EU RR, the last one was well over a year ago and people have asked if another was on the cards since then. I don't have time to do one before Christmas but I'll happily join in if you or anyone else wants to host it.

I've just looked up the last thread made and it was March 2003 so it's been longer than I thought

It wouldn't hurt to see if anyone would be interested.

This message was edited Oct 22, 2005 11:06 AM

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

It sounds a good idea, and I've got a few seeds of my favourite beans and tomatoes. I'm feeling rather down at the moment, so feeling inspirational is a little ambitious, but I can always hope.

How does the round robin work? Do we have to publish our addresses?


oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Whoops, posted twice with a minor addition to second post. (Below)

This message was edited Oct 29, 2005 8:55 PM

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Pat, please join in! I'm not sure how RRs work either as this is the first I've joined in. My address is in the DG address exchange so I suppose the organizer will get it from there....? If you're not in the exchange I suppose you'd have to send your address to the person before you on the RR list. Baa, you're the expert, help ,please. If you decide to join in Pat, go to the RRforum and post on the Inspirational RR thread ASAP - it closes at the end of October. I'm sure they'll be pleased to have another European. I'm already thinking of lots of little, pretty or fun things that I hope would cheer you up.....
Maggi xxxx

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'd love to join in with a european seed RR, but am a bit too snowed under to organise.
.......and a big hug from me to Pat as well plus a big grin :oD

Everyone runs their RR differently, normally though you'd send your address to the organizer in private.

I'll put some feelers out in a thread on this forum to see how much interest there would be in an EURR again.

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Baa, that would be great. I'd love to join in one, but don't feel up to organizing one yet, as I've never even joined in one. I hope enough of us will be interested - I've been collecting quite a lot of seeds this summer and autumn...
Maggi xxxx

Here's the thread

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