new plant question

Calvert County, MD(Zone 7a)

I have tried to add the new plant Ipomoea purpurea 'Aomurasakizyouhatensibori' but I get a message telling me that the entry already exists. However the existing entry is this, not 'Aomurasakizyouhatensibori'. 'Aomurasakizyouhatensibori' is not variegated or feathered. Just curious as to how I would go about adding my 'Aomurasakizyouhatensibori' .


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Hmmm. Are you sure you entered the entire botanical name (completing the family, genus, species and cultivar fields?)

I was able to add this plant without any problems - I deleted my test entry so you could add it under your username. My guess is you may have left out one of the botanical name fields, or spelled one of the family or genus incorrectly (the system will try to provide guesses as to what you may have meant).

Please try it again - if you stil can't add it, let me know what you entered in each field.

Calvert County, MD(Zone 7a)

It's been entered :) Don't know what went wrong the first time...


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