W - Hurricane "when will it ever end?"

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

This season is unreal - and has everyone thinking about "global warming" but as i drive into school in a rental in the morning
I have to wounder (sp?) ,with all the traffic I am encountering. How is this ever going to change? Is it way too Late?

What can I do?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

buy a hybrid, garden organically, frequent the healthy living forum? heck i really don't know what to do... besides pray and volunteer...

do something that will make a small difference, and then suggest others do it...

and stay tuned to the weather forum :-(

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm not worryed about what happens in my lifetime, It's all been a good (wild) ride down many paths w/many interesting places & occupations. But for my grandchildren I do worry - Please I am not a "greenpeacer" however it seems we all need to do as much as possible to cut down on greenhouse gases. And with the current levels of gas prices it is in our own interests to conserve fuel at all cost.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yeah, just think we could leave our grandkids a better earth and a little cash too! LOL

So what are you going to do besides drive to school?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Can't do anything for the rest of the week but I am considering a hotel closer to the school
for next months round of classes even though I do like the current accomadations.

Sorry bout the spelling - no coffee yet.

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