Morning Surprise

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

It's amazing what greets you in the.....nothing like it in the world....God's flowers and plants...

May I present:

Mbssa Shelob 'tolkien" AM/AOS

Neat, huh?


Thumbnail by Happy_1
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

You are talking about:
Mtssa Shelob 'Tolkien' AM/AOS

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

You ARE correct......can't seem to get my Capitals and Quotes in the right place. Thanks...I am going to copy this on the top of my plant book so that next time I Might get it closer...Hopefully. Thanks for the lesson. I really do appreciate you taking the time. I will do better next time.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Love miltassia. Nice colors.
Mine is still sick-sticky stuff on the leaves. Feeling like a bad mommy.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)


What a lovely and colorful greeting. Is that rascal growing outside for you? (Jealous)


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

No problem Hap!! Nice flowers!!
I like some of these "weedy guys", have a pretty Mtssa. Charles M. Fitch 'Izumi' blooming at the moment.
Boojum, there are no bad mommies when dealing with orchids, just a bunch of nasty bugs. What's the sticky stuff you are talking about?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Yup, drdon....outside it is. I have absolutely NO luck growing anything inside. It's a toss up between the A/C and neglect.....(I like to be outside)

I had a lot of them marked and documented and then I went back to work for 15 years and they were on their own. Lost tags, dead plants, overgrown plants etc.....then about 9 months ago I retired, again, and chopped, yes I said chopped, them all up, reploted and threw a bunch of stuff out. Now I am waiting for some blooms to that I can see what is what.....It's going to be Christmas for a while when they get their act together.....and fun for me.

I now had a book that I am recording them in with bloom times, etc. and then will be making a cpu program to keep track of all. Just having fun here, can you tell?

RUK.....what did you mean by "weedy guys"....Pretty common stuff, huh? But even if they are, they are mine and that makes the Special......


Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

I know what RUK means by 'weedy'. I have Brassia verrucosa. It is all over the place and I love it! If it isn't producing flowers it's putting roots into the Happy_1 it must be a marvelous treat to have the climate to grow such beauties outside. I seem to spend a third of my growing time manipulating the climate conditions in the greenhouse so my favorite orchids can grow. I remember when we lived on the coast and were able to grow our Sobralias right in the ground and mount a Laelia right on a tree in the garden, give it a spritz every afternoon and they'd grow like weeds. Now I'm constantly battling the cooling requirements to be successful in this

Brassia verrucosa last month before repotting into a 12" pot! I'm thinking next year it may need to be split up and sent to Japan to see if it's not related to Godzilla in some way.

Thumbnail by drdon
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

thanks, Don! Yes, that is what I mean by weedy.

I have never seen Brassias in their natural habitat, but one could picture them growing straight up a tree trunk? They produce a lot of leafy growth and tons of roots and always walk right out of the pot in upwards fashion. At least the couple of Brassia hybrids I have fit that description. I have a hard time keeping them somewhat neat, but the flowers are always pretty!

Don, that Brassia of yours is a beauty!! No complains about a specimen plant.

And Hap, pretty flowers are never "common".

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

RUK, my sicky is 'Izumi.' So sad. It's got shiny stickiness on the leaves. The dr. suggested that I Neem oil the whole plant which I did. It slightly dried it out, then developed more sticky leaves. 'Why Not' is also dropping leaves since the Neeming. But she is now sending green tipped roots out so I think she'll make it.

Somewhere there's a post...

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ah, I have found your thread
see you there...

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

drdon, I'm surprised, seeing that you said you have a humidity problem, that you don't have your orchids in benches that have about and inch of water with pepples on top. The benches only have to be about 3" high so that air flow is not restricted. Have you ever considered it?


Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Happy_1

I'm putting in a wet wall this winter in the greenhouse. The pebbles are a great idea and were considered until the moss and algae problems were assessed. I put a wet pad (kind of like a swamp cooler pad) on my intake vent so the fan sucks cool, humid air into the greenhouse. But when it's 117 degrees outside with 20% humidity cooling a greehouse can be a We learned a lot this summer and are going for the wet wall and a rather large cool ventilation system (swamp cooler) to circulate cool air and a larger reverse osmosis water purification system that is more reliable.

thanks for the tips but it doesnt' make me less jealous of


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I think what you are doing is what is called, "Pushing the Envelope?" YES?


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Just a word to say... I'm glad dr don suggested Neem oil-it's more natural. We took a chance that I could get away without chemicals, but it didn't work. I'm still grateful for your advice, dr. don.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya boojum,

good morning!

Yeah, but it didn't ahhh, the best laid plans of organic gardening fruitcakes trumped by a persistent little bug under a nazi

Sorry it didn't work boojum, good luck with the next phase, and I hope whatever you use next will do the trick.


Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Happy_1

rotf@pushing the envelope...

Have you met me before?

Yes indeed I'm rather infamous among friends, colleagues and family for doing exactly what I'm told can't be done. It's a


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I have never thought it was a curse....a nun in grammer school asked my why I Always Had To Be Different.....I couldn;t answer her.....then I thought......duh.............why would I Want to be like everyone else......??? So I never was.

The minute my father would tell me, :Oh, you can't do that!".......I knew my mind had a green light. Therefor I made 2 winter coats, (Lived in Rochester, NY at the time so they had to be heavy) a bathing suit.....many evening gowns, shelves for my pantry, etc... The minute he said I Couldn't, I couldn't wait to do it.....hehehe

So I's the principle of the thing....right? Why stick to things everyone else does......Boring!!!!!

Have a good day and think of some more stuff...


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

The orthene was a bit scary so I used a pyrethrin product and sprayed a ton on. Said it was specifically for scale and killed eggs. It came with a money back guarantee. But just in case I bought this orchid to console me. It reminded me of your 'Tolkein,' Happy.
Here's Bllra. (Beallara) Peggy Ruth Carpenter 'Morning Joy.'

Thumbnail by boojum
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My Peggy Ruth faded just last week. It's a lovely one. This was my plant about 2 weeks ago.

I had Brassia verrucosa years ago...grew like the dickens but never bloomed first nor last. I assumed it was too cool for it. I now have a few Brassia intergenerics (Aliceara, Sanderara and 3 Beallara)..they seem to have no problems blooming so maybe the next time I see a Brassia locally for sale I'll pick one up. I seem to recall they have a nice fragrance.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

Whoa, those are spectacular!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Gee whiz....those make mine look like a piker!

They are beautifulllll enjoy.


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Very pretty!!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Todd, I've often wondered if we would ever have any plants in common. Now I feel like I done good even though I'm going broke here. Can she make it through a day without buying a plant????

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I hope not!!! heheh

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

BTW, I still love your 'Tolkien' even if you wish me to never stop shopping, Happy!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks....she's a cutie...

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

boojum, how many orchids are in your collection now?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

14, including the sicky.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

So you have bought a few in the last year! I added 8 to my collection since Jan. 2005. One loss this past year, my Oncidettia is gone the way of the Dodo.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Ah yes, the way of the Dodo! Thanks for the preparation. These things happen to everyone not just bad mothers! So how many in your collection now, Todd?

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I'm currently at 44 cultivars....I just got a new phal last week...unnamed unfortunately but at $30 for a 6" pot with 2 feet spread leaves was just too good a deal to pass up.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

So pretty! Sounds like a very big, healthy plant. Maybe we could name it 'Atlas.'

Fredericton, NB(Zone 5a)

Just picked up 29 and 30 (different cultivar) at local nusery for $22.50. Both phals are together in a 4" pot and they thought it was only one plant and were marveling at the difference in the two blooms from the same plant. The bloom on the solid color deep pink is huge 4.5" and the stripped is about 3.5". The leaves of the second plant are small and hidden under the larger plant and the two are so closely entwined that it's hard to determine which spike belongs to which plant.

There was a tag : Dtps. I-sin Black Jack which should say Dtps. I-Hsin Black Jack but it still would not make it right for either of these. Anyhow I do like the solid pink one and just could not resist as I have only seen blooms this big on the white or white with pink lip phals.


Thumbnail by Ironwood
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

What a great deal Ken! Two for one. I've never seen phals for that cheap locally. Home Depot charges about $45 for the size of the one I got for $30 at a local supermarket. Usually, the supermarkets charge $35 for 4"...I was amazed when I saw such huge plants in a 6" for $30. Our local supermarket brings them in about 3-4 times a year...and they are always phals. Wish they could get some different ones for a change (not that I have any space left!)

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Todd, you will just have to buy phals then.........hoho

Another ?

At any given time at HD there are phals in bloom...12 months of the year......NOW......does that mean that the phals I see for sale in Jan, actually bloom in Jan and the ones I see in Jul are actually July bloomers. I was wondering because if I bought one a month, I would have at least one blooming all the time.....

Is this just a crazy woman's dream or delusion?


Fredericton, NB(Zone 5a)

Happy, I have had some phals bloom continuously for over a year as one bloom fades another comes along to replace it. This one with the appearacce of having 3 lips has been blooming continuously for a 1.5 years since I got it.

Thumbnail by Ironwood
Fredericton, NB(Zone 5a)

This little one, I guess it would be a mini (1.5" blooms), has been blooming continuously for over a year since I got it and it has a light smell when the light is bright. I think Todd could relate to the smell, as it smells of Mayflowers as it is called here or Trailing Arbutus. But sadly not all phals do this, just keep acquiring them you never know when you will strike it lucky.


Thumbnail by Ironwood
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Well, I took your advise even before I read this post.....see my new thread...

I Happy to hear about the continous blooms...


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Ken that mini is delightful. It must be a violacea hybrid as that species is one of the few fragrant phals. I used to have one called Lucifer...similar to yours in size and shape but deep violet-pink. It was also fragrant.

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