Bird IDs

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We have lots of new birds in our yard right now, migrators I'm sure.

These little guys have shown up recently but I can't quite get a good ID on them

This one is tentatively IDed as the Yellow Bellied Flycatcher

Thumbnail by Floridian
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

This one? No idea...some sort of warbler?? It's a tiny little thing

Thumbnail by Floridian
Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Not a hundred percent sure, but #2 looks a olt like the arcadian flycatcher and # 1 Maybe american goldfinch?

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks gld, I have spent some time on line looking but I still just can't tell. The Acadian Flycatcher does look good. I'd looked at that one in my bird books and wondered.

I tried to get behind the first bird to get a picture of it's back but everywhere I went something was in the way and the bird finally spooked and flew away.

We're seeing Black Capped Chicakadees, Black and White Warblers, Gnat Catchers as well as all the's very active right now in our yard. Every morning as I'm leaving the house I hear new birdsongs. It's just wonderful!

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Most of the migrating bird have left us here in the mountains. Our regulars stay year round, Lots of the carolina chick a dees, Titmice, Rose breasted crossbeaks, Cardinals and bluebirds.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We've added 2 bog gardens recently, 1 sun, 1 shade. Along with the little ponds they seems to have brought in a lot more birds. Our regulars are Cardinals, Blue Jays, Titmice (??) several different Woodpeckers, Mockingbirds, Thrashers and Carolina Wrens and Chickadees. My DH can sit in the garden and whistle up the birds but as soon as I walk out they get's become quite the joke between us

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

This past spring we had a pair of greatcrested flycatchers build a nest in one of the purplemartin gourds. This was unusual because we are not in their nesting range. They are very loud parents and keep most all other birds away. It was quite the show though watching their aerobatics.

Millbury, MA(Zone 5a)

number 1 is definitely not a goldfinch. We get lots of those at the finch feeder in the backyard. The males are much yellower (Spring and Summer) and the females (and Winter plumage in males) much browner. Unfortunately, I can't say what it IS, just what it's not.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL Thanks McCool! Knowing what #1 isn't is still a help.

I just know someone will come along and say "Oh that's a ..." and the mystery will be solved


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

gld, that must have been such fun watching the flycatchers! Do you suppose they'll be back?

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)


I hope they return, but who knows being that were NOT in their nesting range.LOL


Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Floridian I looked at your bird but haven't a clue. Is that an olive greenish colored bird or just what are the colors I'm not seeing on that bird? We have a lot of birds moving thru n.w. Missouri right now. I love to try to identify some of the easier ones. Warblers confuse me and they are pretty small. Is it a warbler?

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi cuckoo, the bird was more yellow on its belly than green but the yellow was pretty dull. The picture was taken just before dusk and this is the only view I got of him, no matter how I tried. The bird is small like a wren, maybe 5-6 inches.

Thanks for helping. I just looked up Yellow Bellied Flycatcher again and here's an excerpt from Audubon's eastern region field guide:

"5 ½” A very small flycatcher, olive green above, yellowish below, including throat, with 2 white wing bars and a yellowish eye ring
Winters from Mexico to Panama"

This migration could easily bring them through our area

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Stacey, #2 looks like a goldfinch to me (and remember I am NOT a birder!), esp. the wing markings.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Donut! I think #2 is the Acadian Flycatcher. It was a tiny little gray bird. Haven't seen it since. Lots of little strangers are passing through right now. The wind died down and the birds were back out in force again yesterday evening.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I sent the picture of Bird #1 to a birder friend in south Florida. She sent it on to their local expert and got this message back:

"I changed my mind about the female Scarlet Tanager. Due to the black line on the wing and the rosy color in the tail area, I believe it to be a young fall male that hasn't reached manhood as yet. My guess is that it is a migrating male Scarlet Tanager."


Tanager never crossed my mind (especially Scarlet) but now that I've heard that...if he's right then this is a first for me

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Now don't go askin' me 'why' .. but I keep getting drawn back to this thread, and viewing your #1 pic, Stacy!! And even after all this time .. I'm still (basicly), drawing a 'blank'. (hee)

Although there's just not enuff to be seen of your bird in that 'ticular pic - (and for whatever totally unexplained reason) - I'm leaning toward something along the lines of him being a juvey Pine Warbler. Especially with the appearance of him having some pin feathers. They're a year-round resident in the extreme southeast.

Next time, get him to do a lil 'turn' fer ye, Stace!!! .. LOL ..
( .. ahh, ya know I've gotta tease ya a bit! .. ) If it were only that easy, 'ey?!!?


- Magpye

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Mags, Unfortunately this little bird was totally uncooperative! I tried for different angles with no luck. I can tell you that it was larger than a Pine Warbler. We see lots of the warblers all winter on the local beaches. I've not seen this bird (or any like it) again, nor can I find any really decent pictures of a juvie Scarlet Tanager. This is the best one I've found: What do y'all think?

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Floridian could it be this little guy.........Empidonax alnorium
Found it on this site
Took out the pic from the site, rather then do a link, but there is a lot of nice pictures on the site.

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Good Morning Janett,
I think the little gray bird is definitely a Flycatcher but it more likely to be the Acadian which is found here.
We have several species of Gnat and Flycatchers that come through our backyard but they're so fast! They perch for a few seconds and move on...much to fast for a photo or even a good sight ID.
Thanks for continuing to help ID my birds...I certainly appreciate it.


Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

I still say #1 is a american goldfinch male in fall color.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

It'd certainly possible gld. I've never seen a goldfinch except in pictures. I'd love to get a positive ID

Edited to correct some awful typos...hehehe I guess I should turn on a light!

This message was edited Jan 20, 2006 5:32 PM

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I have lots of goldfinches and I don't think this is one. I'll try to take a photo for comparison soon.

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Here's a little on the goldfinch. Possibly a female.

Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

For #1, my vote goes for a Tanager, either the Scarlet Tanager or the Summer Tanager. Not only is there a pinkish look right below the breast but there is a distinct red spot on the left edge of the bird. The beak also looks like a Tanager beak. If you want to see alot of Tanager photos go to and do a search for both.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks linthicum, Your vote goes right along with the south Florida birding 'expert'...and for many of the same reasons. I appreciate all the input I've gotten

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Sorry I took so long getting back to you with goldfinch pics. This was taken the first day I had time and through a window so not my best, but I really don't think it's a goldfinch. GFs have an eyering, most of the yellow up near the chin/chest area, more graphic black and white under the tail, a stubbier seed eater beak, black area between eye and beak, and I think those wings would show black even at the angle of your bird. I think it's a tanager-lucky you!

Here's a link to a female tanager:

Thumbnail by boojum
Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Well, whatever #1 is, it's spectacular photography.

I have seen some like your #2, but never got a good enough up close look to try to identify them. They are so tiny and so quick. I'm sure that's what they were, though, so glad to have them IDed.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Boojum, thanks for the pictures. You're right, your birds are significantly darker than my unknown. Are the goldfinches in your picture male or female?

Thanks 1gg! Check your bird books for the fly and gnat catchers. Many are small and fast for sure. Picture #2 is the only time I've seen one of these birds actually pause and the Acadian label is only a best guess. DH Paul does much better seeing the birds because he's out in the yard more than I am. I walk out and they spook.

Douglasville, GA(Zone 7a)

Here's one of an American Goldfinch I took last spring, where you can see the greenish-to-gold feathers coming in and the bars on the wings. Hope this helps. I love trying to identify new birds! I've never seen a tanager before but from what I've read, the first thing to look at in identifying is the beak, then the shape of the head.

Thumbnail by Rhiannon1120
Douglasville, GA(Zone 7a)

Here's another...

Thumbnail by Rhiannon1120

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