Bone Meal and Making Your Own Organic Fertilizer

Louisville, KY

I hope this information is helpful.

Safety concerns about bone meal have turned into something of an urban legend, according to Dalton Hobbs, spokesman for the Oregon Department of Agriculture, but he knows of no evidence that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) can be contracted by inhaling bone meal dust.

"One would think there is a theoretical possibility, but that has not been documented as a form of spreading BSE," he says.

The same goes for plants taking up the prion protein that causes BSE and passing it on to humans who eat them.

How To Make Organic Fertilizer
Organic fertilizers don't have to be expensive, since you can make your own. If you buy the components in bulk, you'll save even more!

Bone Meal 4-12-0 by Espoma

How to Use Organic Fertilizers

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Thank you so much for these links.I am spending too much for organic fertilizers and this will help.

I have just started using alfalfa tea and I add other components just before I use the tea.I use,bone meal or kelp or epsom salts.

This receipe will be an all round fertilizer either alone or with the alfalfa tea.The alfalfa will be the seed meal.

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