Anyone purchased a Sunshine Gardenhouse from ACF?

Taylors, SC

I am looking at Sunshine Gardenhouses available at ACF Greenhouses. Also, at a English Greenhouse from Charley's Greenhouse. Does anyone own one of these or maybe has purchased from these dealers and like to share comments?

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

A friend of mine has one of the english greenhouses.. it's just lovely

Taylors, SC

Jazzpunkin, has she had it long enough to know if she likes it? Did she get it from Charleys?

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

It's a he and he's had it about a year. He doesn't over-winter anything. but it's very nice and he loves it. I am not sure if he got it from Charley's but I think he did.. (brain getting old and futzy) but it's just gorgeous and I like that it has a hinge door vs one that slides open

Taylors, SC

Thank you!!

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