July 6, 2001

southeast, NE

Good morning! Hot and windy today - temp is supposed to reach 98. Thanks for the condolences about my cousin. Yes I hate motorcycles too. Mom said they're not sure what happened. He was by himself late at night. He had been on life support and the good thing is that he was able to donate some of his organs.

Evamae - I laughed so hard about your turkey. I have to go to Lincoln today and do lots of errands. I need to buy one of those little kiddy pools for our border collie. I was mad at her last night as I was watering my flower bed and the garden and she decided to plop herself in the mud and destroyed a few little plants. I know she only did it because she wanted to cool off. Her favorite thing to do is to stand up to the water and soak her paws.

Thanks all for your blessing list. (Kind of like Oprah's gratitude journal!) Lots of good blessings here too.

Lisa - hope your puppies do well. I too hate snakes. But we're lucky in that we only have garters and bull snakes and I haven't seen either in quite awhile.

Well I'd better get my office work done so I can get my errands done this afternoon. You all have a great day!

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