blooming again!

Corte Madera, CA

so happy these are blooming. i left them with my mom in san diego and she is so thrilled. it also has a pod that keeps on growing...

thanks for looking.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Corte Madera, CA

here's another photo.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

These pictures are beautiful.


Wichita, KS

Thanks for sharing :-)

Mesilla Park, NM

This is beautiful. What's the name on this one? Love it.

Corte Madera, CA

thank you!

this one is datura "blackcurrant swirl". it is quite spectacular, and i can't wait to grow them again. there are still buds, but i think it's getting pretty cold for them already.

Mesilla Park, NM

This winter I plan to grow some Dats from some pretty old seeds, but I am hoping they germinate. I do have the yellow triple and it smells so wonderful, better than brugs do, in my HO. Here it has become a perrenial and this will be the third year if they will survive in the pots outside again.

This one you have is gorgeous.

Corte Madera, CA

wow, and thanks for the reminder. jackie sent me a generous amount of seeds, and will start them on rockwool tomorrow.

my mom would love it when i tell her that yours has become a perennial. she lives in san diego and i gave her the same plant. it had the BIGGEST POD, too, and mom said she has planted them already.

Mesilla Park, NM

Yes, I was amazed that they survived and the stems got thicker. They do die some and I just cut off the dead branches and leave them alone. There are a couple of wild jimson weed daturas that keep coming back in the back end of the yard, but either I miss the seed or they hide the pods really well.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi Annapet. You inspired me to go online and place an order for six different kinds of Datura. I can't wait until they arrive and I can start them. Boy, what a Spring and Summer this one will be! Woo Hooooo!!!!


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